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Austria-Hungary - Shipping Companies

See also:

Austrian Lloyd

Österreichischer Lloyd Trieste

[Austrian Lloyd] [Normal] 2:3~
Source: Österreichischer Lloyd Ship Management, http://www.oelsm.com 09.11.2003
Information kindly provided by: Ivan Sache, FOTW

The "Austrian Lloyd Trieste" was founded in 1833 by Karl Ludwig Freiherr von Bruck (1798-1860), on the model of the British Lloyd. In 1836, the company opened a department "Steam Navigation" beside the early department "Trade & Sea Reports". Therefore, 1836 is considered to be the birth year of the shipping company.
In 1842, Ferdinand I (1793-1875), Emperor of Austria (1835-1848) allowed the ships of the company to fly the postal flag and its officers and crew to wear the Austrian uniform.
The "First Danubian Steam-Navigation Company" ceded in 1844 to the "Austrian Lloyd" the line to Constantinople and Smyrna. The "Austrian Lloyd" was also in charge of the mail transport between England and India via Trieste and Alexandria. In 1849, the company inaugurated its flagship "Vorwärts". The name of the ship (lit., steaming ahead) became the motto of the company.
The Suez Canal was opened in 1869, allowing the "Austrian Lloyd" to launch lines to Bombay (1869), Colombo (1879), Singapore and Hong-Kong (1880). In 1886, the company operated 86 ships. Until 1881 the company was privileged for coastal lines. In period 1972-1891 named Austro-Hungarian Lloyd.
The "Austrian lines" started operating leisure cruises in 1907 and moved its headquarters from Trieste to Vienna the same year. The inauguration of the line to Shangai in 1912 was the last important fact of the early history of the company, which was suppressed in 1918. After the War given to Italy where it worked under name Lloyd Triestino.
There was no Austrian deep-sea shipping company between the two World Wars. The "Austrian Lloyd" was recreated under the name of "Oesterreichischer Lloyd Ship Management" in 1951. Its first fully-owned ship, MS Arlberg, was launched in 1978. The company has now offices in Austria, Germany, Cyprus, Malta, Greece and Lebanon.
The house flag of the "Österreichischer Lloyd Ship Management" is blue with the company emblem in the middle. The emblem consists of an anchor topped with the Imperial crown, the cipher 'LA' and a ribbon. Old postcards advertising cruises seem to indicate that the "Austrian Lloyd" already used a similar house flag.

Austrian-Hungarian Lloyd (1872 - 1891)

Österreichisch-Ungarischer Lloyd Trieste

[Austrian-Hungarian Lloyd (1872 - 1891)] [Normal] 2:3~
Source: Thanks to information provided by Márton Pelles, Fiume - collectibles Facebook group 25.03.2018, materials from Državni Arhiv u Rijeci, 46, Pomorska oblast za Ugarsko-Hrvatsko primorje u Rijeci

After the Ausgleich the company had to change the name to dual version, and to include an "U" into the initials. Eventually, after the formation of the Hungarian state company "Adria" in Fiume (Rijeka) in 1882, the dual name was reverted in 1891.

Danube Steam Shipping Company

Donau-Dampfschiffahrts-Gesellschaft, DDSG

[Danube Steam Shipping Company] [Normal] 3:5
Sources: P. Diem: Die Symbole Österreichs, Wien, 1995.
Josef von Lehnert: "Beiträge zur Geschichte der k. k. Flagge. Vortrag, gehalten im militär-wissenschaftlichen Verein zu Wien am 13. März 1885", Organ der militär-wissenschaftlichen Vereine, nr. 31, Mayer, Wien 1886 p. 20

The house flag of the DDSG is the red-white-red triband with the blue inscription "DDSG" in the white stripe and a yellow cabled anchor though the red stripes. The company, established in 1929 in Vienna, was granted right to fly the postal jack and masthead pennant in 1849, and continued the practice until the end of the Empire. The modern company maintains the ships and Danube and still uses the same flag.

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