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Flags of the World

Page created: 6th October 2000
Last updated: 14th January 2014
[The FAME - Flag and Arms of the Modern Era]

The FAME is a site devoted to the systematic and scientific study of flags and coats of arms. Such symbols often bear strong political and other messages. Inclusion of those symbols here does not mean that the author supports or approves of the ideas they may stand for.
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Una - Sana Canton - Communities

Unsko-sanski kanton - općine

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Grad Bihać

[Bihać] [Normal] 1:2 [Bihać]
Adopted: 2002
Sources: Grad Bihać oficijelna prezentacija http://www.bihac.org 21. 05. 2004
Statut Općine Bihać, 30.06.2008. Službeni glasnik Općine Bihać, 9/2008.
(Odluka o upotrebi grba i zastave Općine Bihać, Službeni glasnik Općine Bihać, br. 5/2002.) in Zaključak o davanju saglasnosti za upotrebu grba Općine Bihać, 08.10.2009, Službeni glasnik Općine Bihać, br. 12/2009
Emilij Laszowski: "Grbovi Jugoslavije", Kava Hag, Zagreb, 1936. str. 20-21.

The coat of arms of Bihać is azure a fort with three in points roofed towers with a flag atop the central one argent over a wavy bar vert and in chief a white rosette and a yellow five-pointed star. This is based on the 14th century seal and 16th century coat of arms showing the three towered fort with the flag atop. The same is shown in colours in Valvasor's armorial in 1689 and by Laszowski azure raising from a base vert a three towered fort with pointed roofs, from the central one hoisted on a staff in bend sinister a swalow-tailed flag gules, one of the few cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina with such an old coat of arms. The modern versions adds the white rosette which is said to stands as a "symbol of tolerance in the changing cultures though history", while the yellow stars is for the "modern heritage and orientation of the city". The flag is blue over white over light green tricolour in ratio 2:6:2, with the coat of arms in its centre.

Since 2006 the Community of Bihać has a city status.

Bosanska Krupa

[Bosanska Krupa] [Normal] 1:2 [Bosanska Krupa]
Adopted: 17th June 2009
Sources: Odluka o grbu i zastavi općine Bosanska Krupa, 17.06.2009, Službeni glasnik općine Bosanska Krupa, br. 6/09, 29.06.2009.
Općina Bosanska Kupa, www.opcinabosanskakrupa.ba, 15.05.2011.
"Heraldika bosanskohercegovačkih opština i gradova", Populari institut, 2011.

The coat of arms of Bosanska Krupa is is described to conatin the bridge and the Old City, the water surface of Una and Krušnica rivers (waves), a mill wheel, fleurs-de-lis ("symbolizing patriotism") and the hills surrounding Bosanska Krupa - represented with the top points of the shield. "The blue and green colours represent the natural surroundings and highlight the tourist importance and potential of the municipality." The flag is blue and white bicolour with the coat of arms in its centre. White vertical table flags with the coat of arms and the name of the city are also reported in use.

Bosanska Krupa, – 2009

Flag unknown. [Bosanska Krupa,  – 2009]
Adopted: ?
Abandoned: 17th June 2009
Sources: Odluka o grbu i zastavi općine Bosanska Krupa, 17.06.2009, Službeni glasnik općine Bosanska Krupa, br. 6/09, 29.06.2009.
Općina Bosanska Kupa, www.opcinabosanskakrupa.ba, 15.05.2011.

The coat of arms used prior to the curent one showed similar elements together with symbols of industry and electricity. It was used in several colour variations, possibly from prior to 1990's. The flag was not reported.

Bosanski Petrovac

[Bosanski Petrovac] [De facto] ~2:3 [State Flag] [Bosanski Petrovac]
Adopted: 2005
Sources: Statut Općine/Opštine Bosanski Petrovac (prečišćen tekst), 29.09.2008, Općina Bosanski Petrovac, www.bosanskipetrovac.gov.ba, 2011
"Heraldika bosanskohercegovačkih opština i gradova", Populari institut, 2011.
"Posjeta predstavnika EIB-a općini Bosanski Petrovac", mojusk.ba, 07.08.2013.
"Diplomate EU u općini Bosanski Petrovac", ekapija.ba, 26.10.2013.

The coat of arms of Bosanski Petrovac is in a shield shape, on blue background a yellow sun, shapes of green mountains with edelweiss, surce and fir tree, a circular saw, ruins of masoned walls and medieval city. The year 1878 is the year when the modern name was first used in this form. The three stars stands for the three ethnical communities. In the base is the ornament from the traditional carpet production. It seems that no flag was adopted so far. The flag is not prescribed, but a flag of the exact same design as the coat of arms, with arched fly end, is used, having the same depiction on both sides, of the coat of arms rotated 90°.

Bosanski Petrovac, 199x – 2005

Flag unknown. [Bosanski Petrovac,  199x – 2005]
Adopted: ?
Abandoned: 2005
Source: "Heraldika bosanskohercegovačkih opština i gradova", Populari institut, 2011.

The coat of arms of Bosanski Petrovac used since mid-1990's was azure, a carpet ornament: a lozenge serated gules cottized serated celeste and in chief an outline of hills dark blue. The shield is topped with a ribbon or inscribed sable.


[Bužim] [Normal] 1:2 [State Flag] [Bužim]
Adopted: 5th February 1996
Source: Odluka o grbu općine Bužim, 05.02.1996, Službeni glasnik općine Bužim, br. 6/96, 08.02.1996.

The coat of arms of Bužim is based on its historical arms, modernized azure four round towers gules connected with walls purpure, in the chief a crescent and in the base a fleur-de-lis both or, in front of the dexter tower an arm holding a mace ("topuz") and a war-hammer ("nadžak") and in front of the sinister tower a knight standing with a flag and a sword, topped with a crescent and two mullets all also or, overall on a panel vert an arrowhead between two birds also all or. Below the shield is a green ribbon with the name of the municipality. The flags in use are white with the coat of arms in the centre.


[Cazin] [Normal] 1:2 [State Flag] [Cazin]
Adopted: 25th July 2005
Sources: "Održana prva hitna sjednica Općinskog vijeća", opcinacazin.com, 26.07.2005.
Statut Općine Cazin, 22.12.2010, Službene novine Općine Cazin, br. 13/10, 31.12.2010.
Design: Danijel Obajdin from Bihać

The coat of arms of Cazin is vert a fort with two towers in dexter and a mosque with minaret in sinister argent and in base wavy azure a filet wavy argent over a fleur-de-lis or within a ring of ten mullets of fize argent. The towers represent the Ostrožac castle, the old mosque in the city, the wavy lines symbolize the rivers Una and Korana, the fleur-de-lis stands for the Bosnian statehood and the ten stars indicate the affiliation to the Federation and the European unity goals. The flag is tricolour of green over blue over white, where the green field is "over half of the flag width" high, and with the coat of arms in its centre.


[Vertical] 4:7 [State Flag]

Adopted: prior 2008
Sources: Općina Ključ, www.opcina-kljuc.ba, 2011.
Statut Općine Ključ, 31.03.2008, Službeni glasnik Općine Ključ, br. 6/2008, 09.05.2008.
"Heraldika bosanskohercegovačkih opština i gradova", Populari institut, 2011.

The coat of arms of Ključ is argent bordered or, a three towered fort gray ensigned with a fleur de lys or, in the centre a key wards downwards to sinister and in base between two corn ears or in slatire, in a disk per fess serrated sable and maroon barrulets gray a disk per fess wavy gray semi fir tree vert and a factory maroon and azure a barrulet wavy also gray. Topped with a simple stylized crown of five merlons. The flag is white vertical with the coat of arms in itse centre.

Sanski Most

[Sanski Most] [Normal] 1:2 [State Flag] [Sanski Most]
Adopted: 12th May 1996
Sources: Općina Sanski Most, www.sanskimost.gov.ba, 2008.
Odluka o izgledu grba Općine Sanski Most, 12.05.1996, Službeno glasilo Općine Sanski Most, br. ?/1996.)
"Heraldika bosanskohercegovačkih opština i gradova", Populari institut, 2011.

The coat of arms of Sanski Most is vert a fleur de lis between two trangles over a bridge issuant from two wavy stripes all or and in the chief of the same inscribed name of the municipality vert. Although it seems not to be included in the official description, the year 1244 or the date 20.07.1244. is inscribed in the base of the shield in the representations. It is the date of a King Bela IV charter first mentioning the town. Also, different colour versions are known in use, greeen on white, golden on white and silver on blue. The symbols cant the municipal name - a bridge over Sana river, with the surrounding mountains. The flag in use is white with the coat of arms in its centre, also various colour combinations of the arms were reported.

Velika Kladuša

[Velika Kladuša] [Normal] 1:2 [State Flag] [Velika Kladuša]
Adopted: 29th September 1999
Sources: Općina Velika Kladuša - službena web stranica http://www.opcinavkladusa.info 21.05.2004.
Općina Velika Kladuša - Oficijelne web stranice http://www.velikakladusa.gov.ba 10.06.2011.
"Heraldika bosanskohercegovačkih opština i gradova", Populari institut, 2011.
Odluka o grbu i zastavi Općine Velika Kladuša, 29.09.1999, Službeni glasnik Općine Velika Kladuša, br. ?/1999.
Statut Općine Velika Kladuša (prečišćeni tekst), 12.09.2005, Službeni glasnik Općine Velika Kladuša, br. 9/2005.
Odluka o proglašenju Grada Velika Kladuša, 25.01.2007, Službeni glasnik Općine Velika Kladuša, br. 1/2007.
Odluka o upotrebi i zaštiti imena, grba i zastave Općina Velika Kladuša, 31.08.2007, Službeni glasnik Općine Velika Kladuša, br. 5/2007.
Statut Općine Velika Kladuša, 25.12.2007, Službeni glasnik Općine Velika Kladuša, br. 9/2007.

The coat of arms of Velika Kladuša pictures in blue on a green hill a white fort beneath a crescent and a star, the year 1280, and in the base ribbon with the name of the city and a prancing horse. The flag is light blue with two white horizontal stripes in the lower half, and the coat of arms in the canton.

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