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Flags of the World

Page created: 29th May 1997
Last updated: 16th April 2016
[The FAME - Flag and Arms of the Modern Era]

The FAME is a site devoted to the systematic and scientific study of flags and coats of arms. Such symbols often bear strong political and other messages. Inclusion of those symbols here does not mean that the author supports or approves of the ideas they may stand for.
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Croatia - Services of Maritime and Inland Navigation

See also:

Coast Guard

Obalna straža Republike Hrvatske

[Coast Guard] [Normal] 2:3
Adopted: 27th April 2009
Design: emblem: Božo Kokan
Sources: Pravilnik o zastavi Obalne straže, službenom znaku, službenoj iskaznici i službenim odorama pripadnika Obalne straže, 27.04.2009, Narodne Novine, br. 56/2009, 13.05.2009.
Zakon o Obalnoj straži Republike Hrvatske, 3.10.2007, Narodne Novine, br. 109/2007, 24.10.2007.

The flag of the Coats Guard is blue with a stripe of 3×13 red-and-white squares set along the hoist edge of the flag, and the Coast Guard emblem set in the middle of the blue field. The Coast Guard emblem consists of two dark yellow anchors in saltire behind a dark yelow bordered tricolour shield with the coat of arms of Croatia in its centre, all set on a golden background bordered with two dark yellow concentric rings, between which is on navy blue background semi-circularly inscribed OBALNA STRAŽA REPUBLIKE HRVATSKE (=Coast Gaurd of the Republic of Croatia). In the base the rings form a stylized traditional Croatian wattle.
The exact postision on a ship and manner of the use of this flag is not yet clear.

Administrative Signal

Upravni znak javnih brodova lučkih kapetanija

[Administrative Signal] [Normal] 1:1
Adopted: 16th May 1997
Source: Pravilnik o isticanju i vijanju zastave trgovačke mornarice Republike Hrvatske i isticanju znakova na brodovima trgovačke mornarice Republike Hrvatske, NN 51/97, No.0761, 16. svibnja 1997.

The signal that is to be hoisted on the signal mast by all public vessels owned by the Harbour administration is blue square bordered with golden ornament with two white crossed anchors and the coat of arms of Republic of Croatia above.

Administrative Signal, 1992 – 1997

Upravni znak brodova i čamaca organa nadležnih za sigurnost pomorske plovidbe

[Administrative Signal, 1992 – 1997] [Historical] 1:1
Adopted: 25th February 1992
Abandoned: 16th May 1997
Source: Pravilnik o isticanju i vijanju zastave trgovačke mornarice Republike Hrvatske i isticanju znakova na brodovima trgovačke mornarice Republike Hrvatske, NN 16/92, No.0340, 1992.

The signal hoisted on the signal mast by all ships and boats of authorities responsible for maritime navigation security is blue square bordered with silver ornament with two white crossed anchors and the coat of arms of Republic of Croatia above.

Administrative Jack, 1991 – 1992

Upravni znak čamaca za javne svrhe čiji je vlasnik lučka kapetanija

[Administrative Jack, 1991 – 1992] [Historical] 1:1
Adopted: 11th August 1991
Abandoned: 25th February 1992
Source: Pravilnik o čamcima, NN 39/91, No.1097; NN 76/92.

The signal hoisted on the bow (i.e. the jack) by boats for public purposes owned by the Harbour administration is blue square with two white crossed anchors.

Fluvial Police, 2002 –

Plamenac plovila lučkih kapetanija

[Fluvial Police, 2002 – ] [Normal] 1:2
Adopted: 12th April 2002
Sources: Pravilnik o plovidbi na unutarnjim vodama, 12.04.2002, Narodne novine 50/02, 7.5.2002.
Pravilnik o plovidbi na unutarnjim vodama, 13.11.2008, Narodne novine 138/08, 28.11.2008.

The vessels of the harbour police on inland navigation, beside the national ensign during daylight should hoist a white pennant with a blue voided rhombus. The size is prescribed to 1 m length and 0.5 m height at the hoist. There is no mention of the requirement of the ships registration number within the rhombus.

River police ships in some other Danubian countries also use similar pennants to mark their service. At least in Hungary the river police is using such pennant.

Fluvial Police, 2000 – 2002

Plamenac brodova tijela nadležnih za sigurnost unutarnje plovidbe

[Fluvial Police, 2000 – 2002] [Historical] 1:2~
Adopted: 22nd May 2000
Abandoned: 12th April 2002
Source: Pravilnik o isticanju i vijanju zastave trgovačke mornarice Republike Hrvatske i isticanju znakova na brodovima trgovačke mornarice Republike Hrvatske na unutarnjim plovnim putevima, 22. svibnja 2000.; Narodne novine br. 56/00, 6. lipnja 2000.

The image of the pennant in the regulation of year 2000 is more conforming to the text of the regulation, and provides an example of the number within the diamond, number being 2 as is pictured here also.

Fluvial Police, 1992 – 2000

Plamenac brodova organa nadležnih za sigurnost unutarnje plovidbe

[Fluvial Police, 1992 – 2000] [Historical] 1:2~
Adopted: 25th February 1992
Abandoned: 22nd May 2000
Sources: Pravilnik o isticanju i vijanju zastave trgovačke mornarice Republike Hrvatske i isticanju znakova na brodovima trgovačke mornarice Republike Hrvatske na unutarnjim plovnim putevima, 25. veljače 1992.; Narodne novine br. 16/92, 26. ožujka 1992.
Pravilnik o isticanju i vijanju zastave trgovačke mornarice Republike Hrvatske i isticanju znakova na brodovima trgovačke mornarice Republike Hrvatske na unutarnjim plovnim putevima, 22. svibnja 2000.; Narodne novine br. 56/00, 6. lipnja 2000.

The ships and boats of the river police are to have the blue voided diamond painted on their sides, with the number of the vessel in black numbers within. The same diamond, with the number is to be pictured on a triangular white pennant hoisted by the ships. The sides of the pennant are 1 meter long, and base is 0.5 meter. The diamond is of 80x65 units; width of the blue border is 10 units and height of numbers 20 units. Units should be made so that the sign fits nicely (in practice the horizontal length of the diamond was half the width of the pennant). Probably due to misinterpretation of the text the accompanying image was as shown, with the width of the border considerably smaller the prescribed. That image did not include example of the number inscribed. With the new regulations in 2000 the discrepancies are rectified, and new image provided.

Harbour administration, 1991 – 1992

Plamenac na čamcima za upravne svrhe u vlasništvu lučke kapetanije

Adopted: 11th August 1991
Abandoned: 25th February 1992
Source: Pravilnik o čamcima, br. 1097, Narodne novine br. 39/91, 1991. i 76/92

The pennant for use on the vessels used in administrative purposes owned by the harbour administration is triangular in ratio 1:2, white with black number of the vessel inscribed in it. Source does not contain more precise information on how the pennant looks like.

Privileged navigation signal

Povlaštena plovidba

[Privileged navigation signal] [Historical] 1:1
Adopted: 8th October 1991
Abandoned: 1999
Sources: Čl. 160. Carinski zakon, 8. listopada 1991., Narodne novine, 53A/1991
Carinski zakon, 30. lipnja 1999., Narodne novine, 78/1999

A flag signal in shape of a green square with side measuring 75 cm with a white diagonal stripe of 20 cm is hoisted by vessels with privileged navigation authorization, i.e. vessels with regular lines in border area of sea, border rivers and lakes, that are granted certain customs privileges. The new law of 1999 does not include provisions for this flag, so rpesumably this is not used any more.

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