Page created: 30th June 1996
Last updated: 19th August 2021
The FAME is a site devoted to the systematic and scientific study of flags and coats of arms. Such symbols often bear strong political and other messages. Inclusion of those symbols here does not mean that the author supports or approves of the ideas they may stand for. |
This site is harvested for the NSK digital archives. |
Croatia - Political Flags
- Abeceda: Alphabet of Democracy
- ABH: Action for Better Croatia
- A-HSP: Autochthonous Croatian Party of Rights
- A-HSS: Autochthonous Croatian Peasant Party
- ARS: Autonomous Regional Party of Croatian Primorje, Gorski Kotar, Islands and the City of Rijeka
- ASBU: Action of Slavonia and Baranja Pensioners
- ASH: Social Democratic Action of Croatia
- AUZ: Pensioners Together Action
- BDSH: Bosnian Democratic Party of Croatia
- BPH: Croatian Farmers’ Bloc
- BUZ: Bloc Pensioners Together
- DA: Dalmatian Action
- DAN: Democratic Action of the People of Croatia, 2003 – 2005
- DC: Democratic Centre
- DDS: Dubrovnik Democratic Assembly
- Demokršćani: Croatian Christian Democrats, 2000 – 2009
- DKS: Democratic Party of Kneginec
- DPS: Democratic Party of Prigorje and Zagreb
- DSU: Democratic Party of Pensioners
- DSŽ: Women’s Democratic Party
- GS: Economic Party
- HČSP: Croatian Pure Party of Rights
- HDRS: Croatian Democratic Regional Party
- HDS: Croatian Democratic Party
- HDS: Croatian Demochristian Party
- HDSS: Croatian Democratic Peasant Party
- HDSSB: Croatian Democratic Alliance of Slavonia and Baranja
- HDSSD: Croatian Democratic Alliance of Libertarian Dalmatia
- HDZ: Croatian Democratic Union
- HGS: Croatian Citizen Party
- HIP: Croatian True Revival, 2002 – 2011
- HKDU: Croatian Christian Democratic Union
- HN: Croatian Populists, 2004 – 2012
- HND: Croatian Independant Democrats, 1994 – 2011
- HNS: Croatian People's Party - Liberal Democrats
- HP-HPP: Croatian Party-of-Right Movement Followers - Croatian Movement for Rights, 2005 – 2007
- HPS: Croatian Popular Party
- Hrast: Croatian Growth
- Hrast - Movement for Successful Croatia
- HRDS: Democratic Party of the Croatian Roma
- HRS: Croatian Labour Party
- Hrvatski blok: Croatian Bloc - Movement for Modern Croatia, 2002 – 2007
- Hrvatsko zvono: Croatian Bell
- HSD: Croatian Social Democrats
- HSLS: Croatian Social-Liberal Party
- HSN: Croatian Party of Unemployed
- HSP: Croatian Party of Rights
- HSP 1861: Croatian Party of Rights – 1861
- HSP AS: Croatian Party of Rights Dr. Ante Starčević
- HSPD: Croatian Party of the State of Rights
- HSS: Croatian Peasant Party
- HSU: Croatian Pensioners Party
- HZ: Croatian Dawn Party of the People
- IDS-DDI: Istrian Democratic Assembly
- ISDF-FSDI: Istrian Social Democratic Forum
- Jedino Hrvatska: Only Croatia – Movement for Croatia
- KPH: Communist Party of Croatia
- Laburisti: Croatian Labourists - Labour Party
- LS: Liberal Party, 1998 – 2006
- LIBRA: LIBRA - Party of Liberal Democrats, 2002 – 2005
- Liga za Brod: Brod League - Party for Animation of Universal Development of the City of Slavonski Brod
- LISTA-RI: Charter for Rijeka
- LJEVICA: Left of Croatia
- MDS: Democratic Union of Međimurje
- MGI ZAJEDNO: Maksimir Civil Initiative - TOGETHER
- Most: Bridge of Independent Lists
- MS: Međimurje Party
- NS: Our Party
- NSS: New Serbian Party
- PGS: Primorje - Gorski Kotar Alliance
- PPS: Party of Danube Serbs
- PS: Pirate Party
- PSS: Party of Posavina and Slavonia
- S-BHS: Slavonia and Baranja Croatian Party
- SDAH: Party of Democratic Action of Croatia
- SDH: Social Democratic Party of Croatia, 1989 – 1994
- SDP: Social Democratic Party of Croatia
- SDSS: Independent Democratic Serbian Party
- SHB: Party of Croatian Defenders
- SKH: League of Communists of Croatia, 1963 – 1990
- Slavonska ravnica: Democratic Party of Slavonia Plain
- SNS: Serbian Popular Party
- SRH: Party of Roma of Croatia, 1990 - 2012
- SRP: Socialist Labour Party of Croatia
- SSH: Socialist Party of Croatia, 1992 – 1994
- SSH: Association of Trade Unions of Croatia, – 1990
- SSSH: Association of Independent Trade Unions of Croatia
- SU: Party of Pensioners
- ZDS: Democratic Party of Zagorje
- Zeleni: Croatian Green Party - Ecological Alliance
- Zeleni: Green Alliance
- ZS: Zagorje Party
- Živi zid: Living wall
Flag of the political parties in modern societies are very often changed and tend to be much based on logos and political campaigns at the moment. The political parties themselves change, enter into coalitions and unions with others, fraction and split or disappear altogether. Here are presented some of the party flags in current use in Croatia and those that have been used earlier. Also the trade unions' and other political organizations' flags are shown here as well. The parties are listed here in the alphabetical order by their abbreviations. English translation of the party names follow the annual publication "Političke stranke u Republici Hrvatskoj", HIDRA, Zagreb, 1995. - .
See also:
Abeceda: Alphabet of Democracy
Abeceda demokracije
Seat: Zagreb
Adopted: 2007
Description of arms/emblem: Znak ABECEDA ima 4 vodoravno nanizana četverokuta, prvi je plave boje u kojem se nazire slovo H, drugi je crvene boje u kojem se nazire slovo G, treći je zelene boje u kojem se nazire slovo S i četvrti je žute boje u kojem se nazire slovo S, a iznad kojih je kratica ABECEDA. (Čl. 5, Statut, 2007.)
Description of flag: Zastava ABECEDE je bijele boje na kojoj se nalazi znak ABECEDE i skraćeni naziv stranke ABECEDA. (Čl. 5, Statut, 2007.)
Source: Statut Abecede demokracije, 23.06.2007, www., 17.05.2008.
The flag is white with the emblem in the centre. The emblem consists of four squares set in a line, blue, red, green and yellow respectivly, each containing a letter of the initials HGSS in the appropriate pale colour. Above those the short party name is inscribed in blue from draker do paler.
The party was established in 1995 as the Croatian Citizen Peasant Party (Hrvatska građansko seljačka stranka, HGSS), renamed in 2004 to the Alphabet of Democracy - Croatian Civic-Peasant Party (Abeceda demokracije - Hrvatska građansko seljačka stranka), and in 2007 to the current name.
ABH: Action for Better Croatia
Akcija za bolju Hrvatsku
Seat: Zagreb
Adopted: 2011
Description of arms/emblem: Znak stranke kao cjelina čini oblik štita povijesnog hrvatskog grba. Štit je obojen bojama hrvatske zastave – crvena, bijela i plava boja – koje se spajaju u laganom prijelazu iz jedne u drugu. U središtu štita nalazi se logo stranke sastavljen od grafički izrađenih slova "ABH" koja čine oblik jedrenjaka. U gornjem dijelu štita nalazi se natpis "AKCIJA ZA BOLJU HRVATSKU" koji označava ime stranke, a ispisan je velikim tiskanim slovima bijele boje. Štit je obrubljen hrvatskim pleterom zlatne boje. (Čl. 4, Statut, 2013.)
Description of flag: Zastava stranke pravokutnog je oblika, ispunjena s 14 crvenih i 14 bijelih pravokutnika, naizmjenično postavljenim, s tim da je prvo polje u gornjem lijevom kutu crvene boje. U sredini zastave nalazi se znak stranke. U donjem dijelu zastave nalazi se natpis "AKCIJA ZA BOLJU HRVATSKU" ispisan plavom bojom velikim tiskanim slovima. Svečana zastava stranke je zastava stranke obrubljena resama žute boje. (Čl. 4, Statut, 2013.)
Source: Statut ABH, 23.03.2013,, 19.03.2015.
The flag is chequy red and white 4×7 with the emblem in the centre over the blue party name along the bottom. The emblem is in a shield shape outlined with a golden wattle, red-white-blue with the black party initials forming a stylized sailing ship and inscribed in the chief with white name.
The party was established in 2011.
A-HSP: Autochthonous Croatian Party of Rights
Autohtona - Hrvatska stranka prava
Seat: Koprivnica
Adopted: 2007 ?
Description of arms/emblem: Oblik znaka stranke je okrugli vijenac, ispunjen zlatnim pleterom, s dijelom hrvatskog grba u obliku štita u unutrašnjosti u koji je upisan plavim slovima skraćeni naziv stranke A-HSP. Glavni stožer utvrđuje oblik ostalog znakovlja stranke kao što su zastavice, bedževi, ćlanske iskaznice i dr. (Čl. 7, Statut, 2007.)
Sources: Autohtona - Hrvatska stranka prava,, 08.03.2011.
Statut A-HSP, 2007.
The flag is a red-white-blue tricolour with the party emblem in the centre. The emblem is a shield divided with white bend sinistre inscribed black 'A-HPS', in the chief chequy white and red in the base blue, all topped with a black outlined white wattlework.
While the Statutes describe no flag, it describes the emblem like the previous HP-HPP emblem with the initials changed.
The party was established as the Croatian Party-of-Right Movement Followers - Croatian Movement for Rights (Hrvatski pravaši - Hrvatski pravaški pokret) in 2005 by unification of the Croatian Party-of-Right Movement Followers (Hrvatski pravaši, est. 2003) and the Croatian Movement for Rights (Hrvatski pravaški pokret, itself united in 2000 from the Croatian Democratic Party of Rights, Hrvatska demokratska stranka prava, est. 1992 and Croatian National Movement - Free Croatia, Hrvatski narodni pokret - Slobodna Hrvatska, est. 1994) and renamed to the current name in 2007.
A-HSS: Autochthonous Croatian Peasant Party
Autohtona - Hrvatska seljačka stranka
Seat: Zagreb
Adopted: 1st March 2007
Description of arms/emblem: Znak Stranke ima oblik štita s povijesnim hrvatskim grbom (25 kvadratnih polja sa početnim crvenim) iznad kojeg je bijelo polje s crvenom kraticom ‘A – HSS’, a od vrha bijelog polja niz lijevi i desni rub grba padaju trake hrvatske zastave. (Čl. 3, Statut, 2007.)
Description of flag: Zastava Stranke je Trobojnica od crvene, bijele i plave boje, sa znakom Stranke u donjoj trećini crvenog, bijelog i gornjoj trećini plavog polja. (Čl. 3, Statut, 2007.)
Source: Statut A-HSS, 01.03.2007.
The flag is a red-white-blue tricolour with the party emblem in the centre. The emblem is a chequy shield edged with a golden wattlework, starting with a red field, above the shield a white field with the red initials, bordered on top with green, and two tricolour flags flanking the shield.
The party was established in 2007.
ARS: Autonomous Regional Party of Croatian Primorje, Gorski Kotar, Islands and the City of Rijeka
Autonomna regionalna stranka Hrvatskog primorja, Gorskog kotara, otoka i Rijeke
Seat: Rijeka
Adopted: 18th February 2003
Description of arms/emblem: Znak Stranke predstavljaju tri slova latinice ispisana velikim tiskanim slovima A, R i S određena u bojama: slovo A u crvenoj, slovo R u bijeloj i slovo S u plavoj boji. U pozadini, povrh latiničnih slova ARS, nalaze se obrisi glagoljaških slova a, r i s, ispisana uglatom glagoljicom u svjetlosivoj boji. Latinična i glagoljaška slova ARS smještena su na pravokutnoj podlozi koja stilizira Bašćansku ploču, izvedenu u tamnosivoj boji. (Čl. 6, Statut, 2003.)
Source: Statut ARS, 18.03.2003,, 10.03.2015.
The flag is light blue with the emblem in the centre. The emblem consists of the initials, each letter in red, white and blue, above them behind the initials in Glagolitic script (ⰀⰓⰔ), all set infront of depiction of the Baška tablet (one of the first monuments containing an inscription in the Croatian recension of the Church Slavonic language, dating from c. 1100, from the Church of St. Lucy, Jurandvor near Baška on the island of Krk). The flag is not prescribed in the statutes.
The party was established in 2003.
ASBU: Action of Slavonia and Baranja Pensioners
Akcija slavonsko baranjskih umirovljenika
Seat: Osijek
Source: Mirta Milas: "Akcija slavonsko baranjskih umirovljenika", 18.04.2013, HRT Radio Osijek,, 10.03.2015.
The flag is white with the embelm in the centre. The emblem consists of the historical coat of arms of Slavonia (azure between two bars wavy argent in gules a marten and in the chief a mullet of six or) infront of a stripe of the traditional Slavonian weave pattern, inscribed in a semicircular arc above red party name, and below the blue silver outlined wattle pattern, and between the arms and the wattle inscribed red A and blue SBU with two at the vertices toching red squares.
The party was established in 2012.
ASH: Social Democratic Action of Croatia
Akcija socijaldemokrata Hrvatske
Seat: Zagreb
Adopted: 22nd October 1994
Description of arms/emblem: Znak je četverolisna djetelina čiji su listovi srcolikog oblika, zelene, plave, žute i crvene boje, a povrh koje je u polukrugu napis ‘Akcija socijaldemokrata’ u gornjem redu i ‘Hrvatske’ u donjem redu, a u sredini ‘ash’ (malim slovima). (Čl. 4, Statut, 1999.)
Description of flag: Zastava ASH je pravougaonog oblika, vodoravno podijeljena na tri polja. U sredini je bijelo polje koje zauzima 2/4 prostora, gornje je crveno, donje plave boje. U bijelom polju nalazi se znak ASH iz stavka 3) ovog članka, bez četverolisne djeteline. (Čl. 4, Statut, 1999.)
Source: Statut ASH, 13.02.1999,, 20.04.2005.
The flag is a red-white-blue tricolour with wider white stripe with the party emblem in the centre. The emblem is an oval seal outlined in red and blue with the name of the party inscribed black along the perimeter and in a line in the base and in the centre the initials ASH inscribed red.
Legal sucessor of the Socialist Party of Croatia (Socijalistička stranka Hrvatske), SSH, 1992 – 1994 i.e. the Socialist Union - Socialist Party of Croatia (Socijalistički savez - Savez socijalista Hrvatske), SS-SSH, 1990 – 1992, who inherited the Socialist Union of Working People of Croatia (Socijalistički savez radnog naroda Hrvatske), SSSRNH, 1953 – 1990, and previously the People's Liberation Front of Croatia (Narodnooslobodilačka fronta Hrvatske), 1945 – 1953 and Unified People's Liberation Front (Jedinstvena narodnooslobodilačka fronta), 1944 – 1945.
A parlamentary party 1992 – 1997.
AUZ: Pensioners Together Action
Akcija umirovljenici zajedno
Seat: Karlovac
Adopted: 28th December 2012
Description of arms/emblem: Znak AUZ je okruglog oblika bijele boje, sa dva plava obruba i u sredini piše skraćeni naziv stranke AUZ. (Čl. 3, Statut, 2012.)
Description of flag: Zastava AUZ je bijele boje, a u sredini zastave plavim slovima piše AUZ. (Čl. 3, Statut, 2012.)
Source: Statut AUZ, 28.12.2012,, 19.03.2015.
The flag is withe with the emblem consisting of blu initials encircled witing a double circle. The use of flag was not confirmed.
The party was established in 2012.
BDSH: Bosnian Democratic Party of Croatia
Bošnjačka demokratska stranka Hrvatske
Seat: Kastav
Adopted: 25th October 2008
Description of arms/emblem: Znak stranke, odnosno njen logotip su četiri (4) kvadrata od kojih crveni i bijeli su raspoređeni po dijagonali s lijeva na desno od gore prema dole, a plavi i žuti po drugoj dijagonali s desna na lijevo i od gore prema dole. U bijelom kvadratu je ucrtan ljiljan zelene boje. (Čl. 7, Statut, 2008.)
Description of flag: Zastava stranke je bijela sa logotipom odnosno znakom stranke u gornjem lijevom uglu i skraćenim nazivom BDSH ispisanim bijelom bojom u sredini zastave, unutar crvenog, žutog, plavog i zelenog kvadratića. (Čl. 8, Statut, 2008.)
Source: Statut BSDH, 25.10.2008.
The flag is white with the party emblem over the white initials set in four squares in line: red, blue, yellow and green, over the name inscribed black in four lines. The emblem is black outlined sqaure quartered in four squares red, blue, yellow and white, the last contating a green fleur-de-lis.
The party was established in 2008.
BPH: Croatian Farmers’ Bloc
Blok poljoprivrednika Hrvatske
Seat: Semeljci
Adopted: 28th January 2007
Description of arms/emblem: Znak stranke je četvrtastog oblika čiji rub simbolizira hrvatski grb. Znak je omeđen hrvatskim pleterom. Unutar znaka nalazi se skraćeni naziv stranke ispisan velikim slovima BPH. Ispod skraćenoga naziva stranke BPH nalaze se dvije kockice koje simboliziraju hrvatski grb, a ispod toga nalazi se slika kruha, vina i ribe. Znak stranke je u boji zastave. (Čl. 3, Statut, 2007.)
Description of flag: Zastava Stranke je plave i zelene boje u omjeru po 1/1 sa znakom Stranke u sredini a ispod znaka stranke upisan je puni naziv stranke. Rubni dijelovi zastave označeni su sa hrvatskim pleterom. Veličina zastave je u omjeri 100 cm × 200 cm. (Čl. 3, Statut, 2007.)
Source: Statut BPH, 28.01.2007.
The flag is light blue over green bicolour with the party emblem in the centre over the party name in three lines. The emblem is a rectangular shield in the flag colours with a golden semi-circular shield-shaped wattlework and within it the initials BPH, two red cheques, and figures of bread, wine and fish.
The party was established in 2007.
BUZ: Bloc Pensioners Together
Blok umirovljenici zajedno
Seat: Zagreb
Adopted: 20th November 2010
Description of arms/emblem: Znak BUZ-a je: Skraćeni naziv Stranke: BUZ ispisan velikim slovima crvene boje na bijeloj podlozi. Ispod slova BUZ nalaze se Pleter u plavoj boji. Ispod Pletera velikim štampanim slovima okomito u plavom okviru piše BLOK, a u nastavku velikim slovima crvene boje u dva reda piše UMIROVLJENICI ZAJEDNO, Sve skupa je omeđeno okvirom plave boje. (Čl. 2, Statut, 2010.)
Description of flag: Zastava je standardnih dimenzija bijele boje, sa tekstom s velikim slovima BUZ crvene boje ispod čega je Pleter plave boje, Ispod Pletera velikim štampanim slovima okomito u plavom okviru piše BLOK, a u nastavku velikim slovima crvene boje u dva reda piše UMIROVLJENICI ZAJEDNO, Sve skupa je omeCeno okvirom plave boje. (Čl. 2, Statut, 2010.)
Source: Statut BUZ, 20.11.2010,, 10.03.2015.
The flag is white with the emblem in the centre: within a blue rectangular frame the red initials above a blue wattle ornament, above the party name the first word iscribed white vertically in a blue rectangle and the last two words red in two rows.
The party was established in 2010.
DA: Dalmatian Action
Dalmatinska akcija
Seat: Split
Adopted: 1990
Sources: Damir Petranović: "Mira Ljubić Lorger na 10. obljetnici Dalmatinske akcije: U Hrvatskoj je i nakon 3. siječnja ostala ista bahata autoritarna vlast", Slobodna Dalmacija, Split, 18.12.2000.
Damir Petranović: "Mira Ljubić Lorger na konferenciji za novinare DA: Ući ćemo u Sabor", Slobodna Dalmacija, Split, 09.12.1999.
The flag is blue with three yellow crowned lion heads with red tongue. The historical coat of arms of Dalmatia was used with or without the yellow shield outline in the flags. The emblem was the yellow outlined shield of azure three crowned lion heads or langued gules.
The party was established in 1990 and disbanded in 2003. Part of its members then joined the Olive - Dalmatian Authonomist Party (Maslina - Dalmatinska autonomaška stranka).
A parliamentary party 1992 – 1995.
DAN: Democratic Action of the People of Croatia, 2003 – 2005
Demokratska akcija naroda Hrvatske
Seat: Marčana, Pula
Adopted: 6th June 2003
Description of arms/emblem: DAN ima znak koji se sastoji od kruga žute boje u kojem je bijelim slovima, obrubljenim plavom bojom, ispisano DAN. U pozadini žutog kruga vidljiva je valovita plavo-zelena traka. (Čl. 5, Statut, 2003.)
Description of flag: Zastava Stranke je u omjeru 1:2 sa znakom Stranke iz članka 5. Od lijevog ruba zastave po visini, od sredine plava boja se u radijusu spušta do žutog kruga, a od polovice visine ruba desne strane plava boja se u radijusu diže do ruba žutog kruga. Ispod plave boje i žutog kruga, zelena boja ispunjava zastavu. (Čl. 6, Statut, 2003.)
Abandoned: 2005
Source: Statut DAN, 06.06.2003., 20.04.2005.
The flag is light blue over green divded in a large wave with a yellow disk in the centre containing the blue bordered white initials DAN.
The party was established in 2003. Renamed in 2005 to the Croatian Party of Unemployed (Hrvatska stranka nezaposlenih).
DC: Democratic Centre
Demokratski centar
Seat: Zagreb
Adopted: 2nd April 2000
Description of arms/emblem: Znak se sastoji od slova DC. (Čl. 5, Statut, 2003; Čl. 5, Statut, 2005.)
Description of flag: Zastava je pravokutnog oblika u omjeru stranica 1:2, s oznakom DC u sredini zastave. (Čl. 5, Statut, 2003; Čl. 5, Statut, 2005.)
Source: Statut Demokratskog centra, 20.12.2003. 07.05.2005.
The flag is withe with the party emblem in the centre: letters DC of red and blue with chequy design and below black inscribed the full name of the party.
In 2005 the party changed its emblems to orange with white stylized initials DC. Flags with it were shortly used, but the original flags remained in use for the most part.
The party was established in 2000 by secession of a part of the members of HDZ.
A parlamentary party since 2000.
DDS: Dubrovnik Democratic Assembly
Dubrovački demokratski sabor
Seat: Dubrovnik
Adopted: 2015
Description of arms/emblem: Znak DDS-a je pravokutnog oblika podijeljen u crveno i modro polje preko kojih su
bijela slova DD, dok se crno slovo S nalazi izvan polja. (Čl. 6, Statut, 2012.)
Sources: Press: Logo stranke,, 10.03.2015.
Statut DDS, 05.11.2012,, 10.03.2015.
The flag is divided at an angle into dark and light blue overall the white initials and along the bottom the name inscribed white with the initials light blue the first two and dark blue the last one. The statutes prescribed different emblem, but no flag. The old emblem was a red and blue rectangular field with the white initials DD while the initial S was black out of the field.
The party was established in 2000 by secession of a part of the members of HDZ.
A parlamentary party since 2012.
Demokršćani: Croatian Christian Democrats, 2000 – 2009
Hrvatski demokršćani
Seat: Zagreb
Adopted: 7th December 2000
Description of arms/emblem: Znak Demokršćana čini grafičko likovni element iz glagoljičkog pisma, ravna ploha – crta na kojoj likovni element (slovo D) leži, te tipografski ispis Hrvatski demokršćani. Likovni element stiliziranog glagoljičkog slova D vrste Vatikanski misal (u glagoljici pod imenom "dobro") obojen je kardinalsko crvenom bojom, a pozicionirano u središtu tipografskog ispisa Hrvatski demokršćani. Po horizontali znak D zauzima jednu trećinu dužine ispisa imena stranke. Ravna ploha – crta, obojena je istom crvenom bojom, a od znaka D odvojena je praznim prostorom koji iznosi dvije trećine debljine donje nožice znaka D. Ravna ploha – crta, dignuta je iznad ispisa imena stranke polovicom svoje debljine. Ime – naziv stranke ispisano je vrstom pisma (fonta) Myriad Bold Italic, a obojeno kobaltno plavom bojom. (Čl. 8, Statut, 2002.)
Description of flag: Zastava Demokršćana se sastoji od znaka Demokršćana na platnu pravokutnog oblika dvostruko dužem od širine. Oblik, način i upotrebu te boju platna će odrediti Veliko vijeće svojom odlukom. (Čl. 10, Statut, 2002.)
Abandoned: 2009
Source: Statut Demokršćana, 29.06.2002,, 10.05.2005.
White flag with the party emblem in the centre. The emblem consists of a red Glogolitic letter "dobro" (Ⰴ) above a red line and a blue inscription of the party name.
The party was established in 2000. In 2009 it united with several other parties into the Croatian Demochristian Party (Hrvatska demokršćanska stranka).
DKS: Democratic Party of Kneginec
Demokratska kneginečka stranka
Seat: Gornji Kneginec
Adopted: 15th February 2002
Description of arms/emblem: Znak DKS-a ima oblik štita sa kneginečkom kulom i crkvom u prvom planu, na podlozi velikog sunca narančaste boje, dijelom grba Republike Hrvatske u donjem lijevom uglu, zelenom podlogom u donjem desnom uglu, nebom iznad siluete sunca na kojem se u desnom gornjem uglu ističe bijeli grozd sa listom, a u lijevom gornjem uglu ispisan je skraćeni i puni naziv Stranke – DKS. Demokratska kneginečka stranka. (Čl. 6, Statut, 2002.)
Description of flag: Zastava DKS-a narančaste je boje, ukupnih dimenzija 200×100 cm sa znakom DKS-a u sredini. (Čl. 6, Statut, 2002.)
Sources: Statut DKS, 15.02.2002.
"Pet godina sudjelovanja u općinskoj vlasti", Varaždinske vijesti, broj 3252, 02.05.2007.
"Kandidatkinja za gradonačelnicu Varaždina", Radio Varaždin,, 15.04.2013.
The flag is orange with the party emblem in the centre. The emblem is in a shield shape depicting in blue on a green mount the tower and the church of Gornji Kneginec in front of an orange raising sun and a part of the Croatian chequy pattern in dexter. In the chief siniter is a white bunch of grapes with a green leaf and in dexter an inescutcheon inscirbed diagonally with the party name and topped with the initials.
Besides the statutory prescribed flag, a similar one with the party name inscribed black below the embelm is recorded in ise. Table flags are white vertical flags withthe emblem and a black three-rows inscirption of the party name, with minor variations.
The party was established in 2002.
DPS: Democratic Party of Prigorje and Zagreb
Demokratska prigorsko-zagrebačka stranka
Seat: Sveti Ivan Zelina
Adopted: 1999
Description of arms/emblem: Znak DPS ima oblik štita sa povijesnim hrvatskim grbom obrubljen znakom Grada Zagreba i prigorskim simbolima (zelenim i bijelim vodoravnim trakama), a ispod je kratica DPS. (Čl. 7, Statut, 2003.)
Description of flag: Zastava DPS sastoji se od tri boje: crvene, bijele i plave s grbom stranke u bijelom polju. (Čl. 7, Statut, 2003.)
Source: Statut DPS, 12.07.2003,, 10.03.2015.
The flag is vertical tricolour of red over white over blue with emblem in the centre of the white field and the red initials beneath it in the blue field. The emblem is a red outlined rectangular shield divided per bend sinistre azure a dimidiated three towered city argent and in the chief a crescent and a mullet of six also argent and vert two bars argent, overall a square chequy gules and argent 5×5.
The party was established in 1999.
DSU: Democratic Party of Pensioners
Demokratska stranka umirovljenika
Seat: Sisak
Adopted: 2001
Description of arms/emblem: Znak strankeje četvrtastog oblika koji ima na plavoj podlozi u sredini skraćeni naziv stranke DSU ispisan bijelim slovima. (Čl. 2, Statut, 2010.)
Description of flag: Stranka ima zastavu plave boje dva puta jedan metar, sa znakom stranke iz stavka 4. ovog članka. (Čl. 2, Statut, 2010.)
Source: Statut DSU, 05.03.2010,, 10.03.2015.
The flag is dark blue with the white Italic initials.
The party was established in 2001.
DSŽ: Women’s Democratic Party
Demokratska stranka žena
Seat: Zagreb
Adopted: 2004
Source: Demokratska stranka žena,, 08.03.2011.
The flag is white with the party emblem over the black inscribed full party name along the bottom edge. The emblem is a blue ribbon ending with a knot forming a red saltire pierced with a white square. Within the loop of the ribbon are the blue initials.
The party was established in 2004.
GS: Economic Party
Gospodarska stranka
Seat: Zadar
1:3 | 1:2~
Adopted: 26th February 2006
Description of arms/emblem: Znak Stranke su velika slova GS vrste slova Bremen Bd BT, pored kojih su tri kockice zarotirane na 90 stupnjeva boja crven, bijel, plav, ispod na narančastoj podlozi piše GOSPODARSKA STRANKA vrstom slova Zapffillipt BT. (Čl. 7, Statut, 2006.)
Description of flag: Zastava Stranke je u obliku kvadrata. Širina je 3 puta veća od njene visine. Na svijetlo plavoj (boje neba) podlozi u sredini zastave nalazi se znak stranke. (Čl. 7, Statut, 2006.)
Source: Statut Gospodarske stranke, 26.02.2006, Narodne novine, br. 49/2006, 03.05.2006.
The flag is light blue with the party emblem in the centre. The emblem is consisting of the blue initials GS, each followed by a dot made of three superimposed rotated squares red, white and blue, and overall along the bottom over an orange brushstoke black inscription of the party name. While the flag is prescribed to be in the unusually long ratio, white flag in the usual 1:2 ratio are also recorded in use.
The party was established in 2006.
HČSP: Croatian Pure Party of Rights
Hrvatska čista stranka prava
Seat: Zagreb
Adopted: about 1992
Description of arms/emblem: Oblik i sadržaj znaka i elemente za njegovo grafičko rješenje utvrđuje Glavni stan. Glavni stan utvrđuje oblik i sadržaj i ostaloga znakovlja Stranke (zastave, zastavice, bedževi, članske iskaznice i sl.). (Čl. 6, Ustav, 2006.)
Sources:, 09.05.2005.
Ustav HČSP-a, 02.12.2006.
The flag is White with the party emblem in the centre. The emblem consists of a shield divided per bend sinistre, the first chequy argent and gules and the second blue with a silver wattle overall. The shield is boredered golden and topped red and above it are the black initials, the diacritic over Č made as a rotated red square. Yellow flag with the emblem over a white ribbon inscribed "Za dom spremni" is used over the party headquarters. Both silver and black flags with silver wattlework border with the emblem in the centre, with or without the inscribed ribbon are also in use. Such silver flag, with wattle border and the emblem set above and behing a raising hawk holding a ribbon inscribed "Mladež" is used by the party yourth organization.
The party was established in 1992.
HDRS: Croatian Democratic Regional Party
Hrvatska demokratska regionalna stranka
Seat: Sisak
Adopted: 28th January 2012
Description of arms/emblem: Znak stranke čini skraćenica naziva Stranke slijedećeg izgleda: Pravokutnik uokviren plavom bojom ima temeljnu bijelu podlogu na kojoj je velikim slovima crvene boje ispisan skraćeni naziv Stranke HDRS. Ispod tako ispisanog skraćenog imena Stranke podvučena je žuta crta u obliku hrvatskog pletera. Ispod crte pletera ispisano je puno ime Stranke crvenim slovima - Hrvatska demokratska regionalna stranka. Svako slovo uokvireno je tankom plavom linijom. (Čl. 6, Statut, 2012.)
Description of flag: Zastava Stranke je modre boje standardnih dimenzija u omjeru 2:1 sa znakom Stranke u središtu zastave. Znak Stranke okružen je s lijeve strane do polovice kružnice s naizmjenično poredanim crvenim i bijelim kvadratima. S desne strane zamišljene kružnice, znak Stranke okružuju žute zvjezdice. Kvadrati se odozdo pa do gore povećavaju, a zvjezdice smanjuju, zatvarajući puni krug. Na taj način simboliziraju Republiku Hrvatsku i Europsku uniju. Po čitavoj površini zastave, kao sjena, su imena dijelova Sisačko-moslavačke županije: Banovina, Posavina, Turopolje, Pokupsko, Moslavina, Slavonija. (Čl. 6, Statut, 2012.)
Source: Statut HDRS, 28.01.2012,, 10.03.2015.
The flag is blue with the party emblem wihtout the outline and the background encircled in a row of 11 yellow five-pointed stars on its right increasing in size from top to bottom and a row of 11 rotated squares interchangably red and white on the left increasing in size from the bottom to the top. On the entire flag field background there are inscribed in 7 rows names of regions where the party is active: Banovina, Posavina, Turopolje, Pokupsko, Moslavina, Slavonija, in each row the last named becomes first in the next row. The party emblem is composed of the red party initials over a golden line of the wattle ornament over the red party name set in a blue outlined white rectangle.
The party was established in 2012.
HDS: Croatian Democratic Party
Hrvatska demokratska stranka
Seat: Zagreb
Adopted: about 1990
The flag is white vertical flags with the party emblem in the upper half and the blue initials along the bottom. The emblem consists of a stylized flying tricolour flag with the central white strip thinner and joined with a vertical stripe forming an off-set cross and with the square canton chequy white and red.
The party was formed in 1989 as Croatian Democratic Alliance (Hrvatski demokratski savez) and on the first multiparty elections run within the Coalition of National Agreement (KNS), gaining 11 seats, the sucess never repeated. A number of leaders soon fractioned, establishing several smaller right parties, while a small core continued to exist in cooperation with HKDS, since 1992 loosly united in HKDU, but retaining legal personality. It was practically extinguished in 2000 but reappeared in 2015 in the local elections.
HDS, early variant
Adopted: about 1989
The flag used in the initial period was a tricolour with a golden-yellow element of the wattle ornament in the centre of it.
HDS: Croatian Demochristian Party
Hrvatska demokršćanska stranka
Seat: Zagreb
Adopted: 21st February 2009
Description of arms/emblem: Grb stranke čini križ od 5 kvadrata. U sredini je bijeli kvadrat, gornji i lijevi kvadrat su crvene boje, a donji i desni plave boje. Ispod grba, a u širini tri kvadrata i visini jednog kvadrata, smještena je kratica stranke "HDS" u crvenoj boji. (Čl. 8, Statut, 2009; Čl. 8, Statut, 2013.)
Description of flag: Zastava je rumeno žute boje u raznim veličinama, s tim da je dužina 2,5 puta veća od širine. Grb stranke je smješten u donjoj trećini zastave. Zastava je okomito postavljena. (Čl. 10, Statut, 2009; Čl. 10, Statut, 2013.)
Sources: Statut HDS, 21.02.2009.
Statut HDS, 07.12.2013.
The flag is yellow verticall with the party emblem in its bottom third. The emblem consists of a cross composed of five squares, the top and left red, the central white and the bootom and right blue, and beneath it the red initials.
The party was established in 2009 by unification of the Croatian Christian Democratic Party (Hrvatska kršćanska demokratska stranka, est. 1990), the Croatian Spring Movement Party (Hrvatski proljećari, est. 2002 initially named Stranka hrvatskog proljeća) and the Croatian Christian Democrats (Hrvatski demokršćani, est. 2000).
HDSS: Croatian Democratic Peasant Party
Hrvatska demokratska seljačka stranka
Seat: Čakovec
Adopted: 18th September 1994
Description of arms/emblem: Znak HDSS-e je okruglog oblika sa likovima Stjepana Radića i Ante Starčevića u sredini i dijelom hrvatskog grba sa 25 crveno-bijelih polja, od kojih je prvo crveno, na donjem dijelu ispod likova. Uz vanjski rub je upisano: HRVATSKA DEMOKRATSKA SELJAČKA STRANKA. (Čl. 4, Statut, 1994.)
Description of flag: Zastava ima tri polja: crveno, bijelo i plavo. Na crvenom polju upisano je: Hrvatska demokratska seljačka stranka. Na bijelom polju je lijevo lik Stjepana Radića, u sredini skraćeni naziv stranke HDSS, a s desne strane lik Ante Starčevića. Na plavom polju upisano je VJERA U BOGA I HRVATSKA SLOGA. (Čl. 4, Statut, 1994.)
Source: Statut HDSS, 18.09.1994.
The flag is a tricolour of red, white and blue with the emblem in the centre between depctions of Stjepan Radić and Ante Starčević, with the party name inscribed in the red stripe and the party motto "Faith in God and Croatian Concord!" in the blue. The emblem is the Croatian historical coat of arms encircled with green wheat ears, as was used by Radić in 1920's.
The party was established in 1994.
A parlamentary party without representatives 2003 – 2007.
HDSSB: Croatian Democratic Alliance of Slavonia and Baranja
Hrvatski demokratski savez Slavonije i Baranje
Seat: Osijek
Adopted: 6th May 2006
Description of arms/emblem: Znak Stranke čini skraćenica naziva Stranke sljedećeg izgleda: Ispod zlatom uokvirenih crvenih slova HDSSB upisano je manjim crnim slovima Hrvatski Demokratski Savez Slavonije i Baranje. Preko slova HD u skraćenici pruža se u heraldički desnu stranu koso položeni zlatni klas žita. Ispod imena Stranke u središtu se nalaze tri o vrh oslonjena kvadrata koji se preklapaju i to s lijeva u desno plavi kvadrat s tri zvijezde kao simbol zastave Europske unije, romb sa četiri vidljiva crvena kvadrata u bijelom polju kao simbol grba Republike Hrvatske te bijelom valovitom linijom podijeljeni kvadrat u čijem je gornjem crvenom polju zlatna kuna u pokretu u heraldički desnu stranu, a u donjem plavom polju u heraldički desnu stranu koso položeni zlatni klas žita. S lijeve i desne strane skupine rombova pruža se zlatni hrvatski pleter. Slova su upisana helvetica pismom. (Čl. 3, Statut, 2006.)
Description of flag: Zastava Stranke je crvene boje u omjeru 2:1 s znakom Stranke u središtu zastave. (Čl. 3, Statut, 2006.)
Sources: Statut HDSSB, 06.05.2006.
HDSSB,, 08.03.2011.
The flag is red with the emblem in the centre. The emblem consists of the red initials outlined gold, and over the first two letters enbowed to dexter a golden wheat ear. Below the initials there are the black party name and below it three overlapping rotated squares with rounded corners, the dexter square blue with an arch of golden five-pointed stars, the central square a rotated chequy (3×3) field, and the sinister square divided by a wavy white line into a top red field with a white running marten and a bottom blue field with a golden embowed wheat ear. At each side of the squares is a line of golden wattle ornaments.
The party also uses flag of its affiliated civic association Croatian Democratic Assembly of Slavonia and Baranja (Hrvatski demokratski sabor Slavonije i Baranje, also HDSSB): red with the historical coat of arms of Slavonia - azure between two bars argent gules a marten proper and in the chief a mulet or.
The party was established in 2006 by secession of a part of the members of HDZ.
A parlamentary party since 2007.
HDSSD: Croatian Democratic Alliance of Libertarian Dalmatia
Hrvatski demokratski slobodarski savez Dalmacije
Seat: Split
Adopted: 2012
Description of arms/emblem: Znak Stranke čini skraćenica naziva Stranke sljedećeg izgleda: Ispod zlatom uokvirenih crvenih slova HDSSD upisano je manjim crnim slovima Hrvatski Demokratski Slobodarski Savez Dalmacije. Preko slova HD u skraćenici pruža se u heraldički desnu stranu koso položena zlatno-zelenagrančica masline. Ispod imena Stranke u središtu se nalaze tri o vrh oslonjena kvadrata koji se preklapaju i to s lijeva u desno plavi kvadrat s tri žute (zlatne) zvijezde kao simbol zastave Europske unije, romb sa četiri vidljiva crvena kvadrata u bijelom polju kao simbol grba Republike Hrvatske te plavi kvadrat u čijem središtu su tri žute (zlatne) okrunjene leopardove glave povijesnog grba Dalmacije. S lijeve i desne strane skupine rombova pruža se zlatni hrvatski pleter. Slova su upisana helvetica pismom. (Čl. 3, Statut, 2014.)
Description of flag: Zastava Stranke je crvene boje u omjeru 2:1, s povijesnim grbom Dalmacije: u zlatom uokvirenom štitu na plavom polju tri žute (zlatne) okrunjene leopardove glave, u središtu zastave. (Čl. 3, Statut, 2014.)
Source: Statut HDSSD, 26.04.2014,, 10.03.2015.
The flag is red with the golden bordered coat of arms of Dalmatia (azure three lion's heads guardant crowned or langued gules). The party uses emblem similar to HDSSB, with the initials and inscriptions modified as well as the third small emblem in the rotated squares beneath the inscription, here being auzre three crowned lion's heads guardant or. Instead of the wheat ear over the initails there is an olive twig. It might be used on flags, but is not prescribed by the statutes for such use.
The party was established in 2012, with obvious inspiration from HDSSB, although they both claim to be independant of each other.
HDZ: Croatian Democratic Union
Hrvatska demokratska zajednica
Seat: Zagreb
Adopted: 8th March 2013
Description of arms/emblem: Znak je HDZ-a u obliku velikoga latiničnog slova "H" obojena crvenom, bijelom i plavom bojom, na isti način kao i hrvatska trobojnica, poprečnicu mu čine slova "D" i "Z", izvedena u obličju hrvatskoga tropleta. (Čl. 4, Statut, 2000.)
Description of flag: Zastava je HDZ-a svijetloplave boje sa znakom HDZ-a u sredini, ispod kojeg piše "HDZ". (Čl. 4, Statut, 2000.)
Source: Statut HDZ, 29. 04. 2000. 05.08.2002
Light blue flag with the party emblem in the centre above the acronym logo. The emblem consist of a letter H composed of red and blue squares and white triple wattle forming highly stylized letters D and Z. The logo is of blue oblique letters HDZ with red square in initial top corner.
The party was established in 1989 and won on the first multy-party elections in Croatia in 1990, retaining ever since the majority of either position or opposition in the Parliament.
HDZ, mid-1990's
Adopted: late 1990's
Abandoned: 8th March 2013
The party emblem and the original logo were designed by Miroslav Šutej. The latter was replaced in 2013 with a new "more dynamical" logotype. The new design, it is said, "ensures a clear link with the old and popular logos while maintaining positive association toward the rich party heritage".
HDZ, early 1990's
Adopted: about 1990
Abandoned: late 1990's
In the early years of the party, the flag was used on a silver (shiny metallic) field.
Youth of Croatian Democratic Union, MHDZ
Mladež Hrvatske demokratske zajednice
Adopted: about 1992
Youth organization of the party set it's logo consisting of adapted party emblem (coloured letter H) and word mladež! (youth) in the middle of a flag filed composed of white and grey cheques of artistic design.
HGS: Croatian Citizen Party
Hrvatska građanska stranka
Seat: Split
Adopted: 25th September 2009
Description of arms/emblem: Znak HGS-a je u obliku nepravilne trodimenzionalne kocke ovalnih stranica. Kocka se sastoji od crveno, bijelog i plavog isječka – na isti način kao i hrvatska trobojnica. U plavom isječku nalaze se bijela slova HGS. Slovo H umjesto crtice ima znak HGS-a u bijeloj boji. (Čl. 2, Statut, 2009.)
Description of flag: Zastava: Znak HGS-a na bijeloj podlozi. (Čl. 2, Statut, 2009.)
Source: Statut HGS, 25.09.2009.
The flag is white with the party emblem in the centre. The emblem depicts an "irregular three-dimensional cube with oval edges … composed of red, white and blue segment". The white initials are set in the blue part, and the letter H has the crossbar of the same shape as the emblem.
The party was established in 2009.
A parlamentary party since 2011.
HIP: Croatian True Revival, 2002 – 2011
Hrvatski istinski preporod
Seat: Zagreb
Adopted: 6th October 2001
Description of arms/emblem: Znak je HIP-a u obliku dvaju pravilnih deltoida od kojih je gornji crvene boje, a donji sačinjavaju dva plava okvira s bijelom ispunom jednakih debljina. (Čl. 5, Statut, 2001; Čl. 5, Statut, 2003.)
Description of flag: Zastava je HIP-a pravokutnog oblika sa znakom HIP-a u sredini, ispod kojeg piše HIP. Podloge na zastavi su svijetlih boja. Širina znaka u odnosu na kraticu HIP je 4:3. (Čl. 5, Statut, 2001; Čl. 5, Statut, 2003.)
Sources: Statut HIP, 06.10.2001.
Statut HIP, 17.02.2003,, 10.05.2005.
The flag is white with the party emblem in the centre above the initials. The emblem consists of two interlaced rotated voided squares ("deltoids"), the top red one and the bottom white bordered blue.
The party was established in 2002 by secession of a part of the members of HDZ.
HKDU: Croatian Christian Democratic Union
Hrvatska kršćansko-demokratska unija
Seat: Zagreb
Adopted: 1992
Description of arms/emblem: Znak Hrvatske kršćanske demokratske unije je stilizirani crveno-bijeli osmerokut dobiven rotacijom kvadrata za 90° oko sjecišta dijagonala kvadratne osnovice istih dimenzija. Na gornjem kvadratu, kombinacijom bijelih i crvenih polja stiliziran je križ čiji su krakovi bijela polja a središte crveno polje. (Čl. 7, Statut, 1996; Čl. 7, Statut, 2004.)
Description of flag: Zastava Hrvatske kršćanske demokratske unije može biti različite veličine, ali dužina mora biti 1,5-2 puta veća od širine. Na argentinsko-plavoj podlozi, u sredini zastave nalazi se znak Unije ispod kojeg je tamnoplavim slovima ispisana kratica HKDU. Iznad donje kraće strane zastave velikim plavim slovima piše "HRVATSKI DEMOKRŠĆANI". (Čl. 7, Statut, 1996; Čl. 7, Statut, 2004.)
Sources: Statut HKDU, 19.05.1996.
Statut HKDU, 26.06.2004.,, 10.05.2005.
The flag is light blue with the party emblem in the centre above the dark blue party initials and the abbreviated party name "Hrvatski demokršćani" also dark blue inscribed along the bottom. The emblem consists of elements combining the Croatian chequy shield and the Christian cross, into an octagonal shape.
The party was established in 1992 by unification of the Croatian Democratic Party (Hrvatska demokratska stranka, est. 1989 initially as the Croatian Democratic Alliance, Hrvatski demokratski savez) and the Croatian Crhistian Democratic Party (Hrvatska kršćanska demokratska stranka, est. 1990). The party was defunct in 2004, but was reestablished in 2007.
A parlamentary party 2000 – 2003 (and as HDS 1990 – 1992).
HN: Croatian Populists, 2004 – 2012
Hrvatski narodnjaci
Seat: Sesvete
Adopted: 11th May 2004
Description of arms/emblem: HN ima znak koji se sastoji od slova HN. (Čl. 7, Statut, 2004.)
Description of flag: Zastava HN je plave boje u omjeru 2:1 sa znakom stranke iz stavka 2. ovoga članka. (Čl. 7, Statut, 2004.)
Source: Statut HN, 11.05.2004.
The flag is light blue with the emblem in its centre: two rectangular panels, a dark blue one oriented horizontally and a red one in front of it and to the left, rotated 120°. Over the central part of the panels there are the white initials in italic small letters; along the right edge of the blue panel the white full name of the party is inscribed in two rows and at the top of the red panel there is a part of the chequy field.
The party was established in 2004.
HND: Croatian Independant Democrats, 1994 – 2011
Hrvatski nezavisni demokrati
Seat: Zagreb
Adopted: 1994
The flag is white with the conjoined initials in red, white, and blue each respectively, outlined in black, the insets of the letter N are filled with red at the top and blue at the bottom.
The party was established in 1994 by secession of a part of the members of HDZ.
A parlamentary party 1994 – 2003.
HNS: Croatian People's Party - Liberal Democrats
Hrvatska narodna stranka - liberalni demokrati
Seat: Zagreb
Adopted: about 1996 ?
Description of arms/emblem: Znak HNS-a kvadratnog je oblika i sastoji se iz bijelih, rukom ispisanih i spojenih slova H, N i S, koja kvadrat dijele u gornje crveno i donje modro polje. (Čl. 6, Statut, 2000; Čl. 6, Statut, 2005.)
Description of flag: Zastava HNS-a trobojna je, iz gornjega crvenog, srednjega bijelog, valovito oblikovanog, i donjega modrog polja, ukupnih dimenzija 200×100 cm. (Čl. 6, Statut, 2000; Čl. 6, Statut, 2005.)
Sources: Statut HNS, 15.04.2000.
Statut HNS, 06.02.2005.
Statut HNS, 17.03.2012.
The party flag is the Croatian tricolour, with the white stripe artistically ("wavy") depicted. Similar flag was 1990 proposal for the Croatian flag by Boris Ljubičić.
The party was established in 1990. In 2005 it merged with Liberal Democrats (LIBRA) changing the name, but not the initials nor the party symbols.
HP-HPP: Croatian Party-of-Right Movement Followers - Croatian Movement for Rights, 2005 – 2007
Hrvatski pravaši – Hrvatski pravaški pokret
Seat: Zagreb
Adopted: 5th March 2005
Description of arms/emblem: Oblik znaka stranke je okrugli vijenac, ispunjen zlatnim pleterom, s dijelom hrvatskog grba u obliku štita u unutrašnjosti u koji je upisan plavim slovima skraćeni naziv stranke HP. (Čl. 7, Statut, 2005.)
Sources: Statut HP-HPP, 05.03.2005.
HP-HPP,, 10.06.2006.
The flag is a red-white-blue tricolour, with the chequy shield, starting with a white field, covered partially with a white diagonal stripe inscribed with blue initials, and in the golden chief a triple wattle ornament. Along the hoist of the flag is a stripe with 3×6 chequy field separated from the tricolour with golden line. In the flag top hoist are the gold initials. The Statutes do not describe the flag.
Since 2003 until the unification in the HP-HPP, the Croatian Party-of-Right Movement Followers (Hrvatski pravaši, HP) used the same flag with the different initials.
The party was established in 2005 by unification of the Croatian Party-of-Right Movement Followers (Hrvatski pravaši, est. 2003) and the Croatian Movement for Rights (Hrvatski pravaški pokret, itself united in 2000 from the Croatian Democratic Party of Rights, Hrvatska demokratska stranka prava, est. 1992 and Croatian National Movement - Free Croatia, Hrvatski narodni pokret - Slobodna Hrvatska, est. 1994) and in 2007 renamed to the Autochthonous Croatian Party of Rights (Autohtona - Hrvatska stranka prava, A - HSP)
HPS: Croatian Popular Party
Hrvatska pučka stranka
Seat: Zagreb
Adopted: about 1997
Description of arms/emblem: Osnovni znak sačinjen je u dvije boje – plavoj i bijeloj. Gornje tri četvrtine znaka sačinjene su od kružnoga ispisa HRVATSKA PUČKA STRANKA u sredini kojega je ispis "HPS". Donja četvrtina znaka sačinjena je od pravilno raspoređenih plavih i bijelih polja. Početno i završno polje u prvom redu plave je boje. […] Znak sa simbolikom sastavljen je od osnovnog znaka ispod kojeg je stiliziran plamen. (Čl. 4, Statut, 2001.)
Description of flag: Barjak HPS je pravokutnoga oblika dužim dijelom podijeljena na dva polja (gornje polje čini 3, a donje polje 1 širine). Gornje polje je plave, a donje bijele boje. U sredini barjaka je osnovni znak HPS bez kružnog ispisa HRVATSKA PUČKA STRANKA. (Čl. 4, Statut, 2001.)
Source: Statut HPS, 20.05.2001,, 10.04.2005.
The party flag is vertical light blue with the white lower quarter and with the party emblem in the centre. The emblem consist of a circular inscription with the name of the party, the initials in the centre over tricolour flames and red squares in the base. Although the Statutes prescribe the emblem on the flag not to include the circular inscription nor the flames, it appears that the full emblem is used nevertheless. The statutes also prescribe blue and white chequy patter in the base, while the red squares are apparently used.
The party was established in 1997.
Hrast: Croatian Growth
Hrvatski rast
Seat: Zagreb
Adopted: 2011
The flag is white with the emblem in the centre. The emblem cosists of a gray letter H with three red squares raising diagonally through it and red remaining inscription "rast" above gray inscription party name letters changing from from thinner to bolder.
The party was established in 2011, eventually split with Hrast _ pokret za uspješnu Hrvatsku, both considering the other illegal, and using the almost same symbols, contesting the legitimacy of each other.
Hrast - Movement for Successful Croatia
Hrast - pokret za uspješnu Hrvatsku
Seat: Zagreb
Adopted: 23rd November 2012
Description of arms/emblem: Znak Hrasta čine slova riječi: Hrast pri čemu je slovo H ispisano kvadratićima crveno-sivo - srebrne boje na način da se tri crvena kvadratića dijagonalno penju od lijevo dolje prema desno gore, a preostali kvadratići slova H sivo - srebrne boje. Završetak riječi – rast, ispisuje se crvenom bojom. Ispod i/ili u produžetku riječi Hrast sivim slovima piše: Pokret za uspješnu Hrvatsku. (Čl. 4, Statut, 2012.)
Source: Statut stranke Hrast – pokret za uspješnu Hrvatsku, 23.11.2012,, 10.03.2015.
The flag is white with the emblem in the centre. The emblem cosists of a gray letter H with three red squares raising diagonally through it and red remaining inscription "rast" above black handwritten inscription "Pokret za uspješnu Hrvatsku".
The party was established in 2012 by members of Hrvatski rast who consider their leadership holding the mandate illegally. The new party uses the almost same symbols and the two parties contest the legitimacy of each other. The flag is not prescribed in the statutes.
HRDS: Democratic Party of the Croatian Roma
Hrvatska romska demokratska stranka
Seat: Bistrinci (Belišće)
Adopted: 10th December 2006
Description of arms/emblem: Znak Stranke su slova HRDS ispisana preko međunarodnog romskog znaka (kotač) i šahovnicom u središtu Šahovnica je načinjena od 25 naizmjeničnih crvenih i bijelih kvadrata, 5 redova puta 5 stupaca. (Čl. 5, Statut, 2006.)
Description of flag: Zastava Stranke je plave i zelene boje sa znakom u sredini. Odnos širine i dužine zastave je jedan prema dva. Boje zastave su položene vodoravno: plava i zelena. (Čl. 5, Statut, 2006.)
Source: Statut HRDS, 10.12.2006.
The flag is blue over green bicolour with a red wheel defaced with the Croatian chequy shield. It is the Roma national flag with the addition of the chequy shield.
The party was established in 2006.
HRS: Croatian Labour Party
Hrvatska radnička stranka
Seat: Samobor
Adopted: 1999
Description of arms/emblem: Znak hrvatske radničke stranke (u daljnjem tekstu skračeno: HRS) čini jednobojni lik hrasata obojen zagasito plavo iz čije krošnje izlaze, u pravcu gore desno, dva izdužena kružna isječka (zaobljena prema unutra na krajevima) od kojih je gornji crvene a doljnji crvene [sic!] boje. Između njih se nalazi bijeli međuprostor. S desne strane u krošnju hrasta ulazi prvo slovo logotipa (skračenog naziva Stranke tj. HRS) koji je u crvenoj boji. (Čl. 3, Statut, 2006.)
Description of flag: Zastava HRS je bijele boje ukupnih dimenzija 200×100 cm a u njenom središnjem dijelu nalazi se znak i logotip Stranke. (Čl. 3, Statut, 2006.)
Sources: Hrvatska Radnička Stranka,, 10.03.2015.
Statut HRS, 02.07.2006,, 10.03.2015.
The flag is white with the party emblem in the centre. The emblem consists of a blue oak tree with the curved Croatian flag raising to the top right and red initials beneath it. Since ca. 2011 the party uses a new emblem, orange initials with a black figure of a worker over the first one, but it was not confirmed in flags.
The party was established in 1999.
Hrvatski blok: Croatian Bloc - Movement for Modern Croatia, 2002 – 2007
Hrvatski blok - pokret za modernu Hrvatsku
Seat: Zagreb
Adopted: 27th October 2002
Description of arms/emblem: Znak Stranke predstavlja stilizirano slovo H sastavljeno od crvenih četvorina omeđenih bijelim poljima. (Čl. 4, Statut, 2002.)
Description of flag: Zastava Stranke sastoji se od crvenog, bijelog i plavog polja, gledajući odozgor prema dolje. (Čl. 4, Statut, 2002.)
Sources: Statut Hrvatskog bloka, 27.10.2002,, 10.05.2004.
Željko Matić: "Osnovan temeljni ogranak Hrvatskog bloka Zapadna Švicarska", Dom i svijet - Informativni tjedni prilog za iseljenike, br. 411, 31.01.2003,
The Statutes define the party flag to be simply the tricolour of red over white over blue. It had the party emblem over the black inscription "Hrvatski blok" in the centre of the white streipe. However, a flag of light blue with the party emblem and the inscription of the party name in two lines in the base was more often used instead. The embelm consists of a white square field with five red squares compsed so as to form a stylized letter H and a white cross between them.
The party was established in 2002 by secession of a part of the members of HDZ. The party was closed after the 2007 elections, but part of the membership starts a new party Only Croatia - Movement for Croatia (Jedino Hrvatska - Pokret za Hrvatsku) in 2008.
A parliamentary party 2002 - 2007.
Hrvatsko zvono: Croatian Bell
Hrvatsko zvono
Seat: Zagreb
Adopted: 29th January 2006
Description of arms/emblem: Znak Hrvatskoga zvona sastoji se od četiri crvena kvadrata od kojih su tri donja manja po dimenzijama i s lijeve i s desne strane velikoga, glavnoga kvadrata. Preko glavnoga kvadrata nalazi se zlatno zvono, koje na površini ima ugravirane riječi OBITELJ, DOMOVINA, NAPREDAK i SAMOSTALNOST, a na donjemu dijelu još i riječi HRVATSKO ZVONO. Uz vijenac zvona proteže se ugraviran hrvatski pleter. (Čl. 4, Statut, 2006.)
Description of flag: Zastava Hrvatskoga zvona pravokutnog je oblika, odnosa dimenzija 2 : 1, plave boje. U sredini je znak Hrvatskoga zvona, ispod kojega piše HRVATSKO ZVONO. Obrubljena je naizmjeničnim plavim i crvenim kockicama. (Čl. 4, Statut, 2006.)
Source: Statut stranke Hrvatsko zvono, 29.01.2006.
The flag is light blue with the emblem in its centre: a golden bell in front of four red squares, one larger above three smaller ones in a line. The bell is engraved with the party motto in four lines “Family, Homeland, Progress, Independence” and along the bottom is the party’s full name. Along the top perimeter of the bell is a triple wattle ornament. The flag is suppoosed to be edged with red and blue squares, but this seems to have not been done in practice.
The party was established in 2004 as the Independence and Progress (Samostalnost i napredak, SIN) and renamed in 2006. to the current name.
HSD: Croatian Social Democrats
Hrvatski socijaldemokrati
Seat: Zagreb
Adopted: 29th May 2004
Description of arms/emblem: Znak (logotip) je crveni okomiti pravokutnik u čijem donjem dijelu bijelim slovima piše HSD. (Čl. 6, Statut, 2004.)
Description of flag: Zastava je vodoravni pravokutnik crvene boje u čijem srednjem dijelu bijelim slovima piše HSD, a lijevo iznad - Hrvatski socijaldemokrati. (Čl. 6, Statut, 2004.)
Source: Statut HSD, 29.05.2004. 10.05.2005.
The flag is red with the white initials HSD in the centre and the inscription "hrvatski socijaldemokrati" in the canton.
The party was established in 2004 seceeding from SDP.
A parlamentary party since 2004.
HSLS: Croatian Social-Liberal Party
Hrvatska socijalno-liberalna stranka
Seat: Zagreb
Adopted: 2007
Description of arms/emblem: Znak HSLS-a sastoji se od četiriju verzalnih slova H, S, L i S plave boje, crvenog kvadrata koji se nalazi desno od slova S, poravnat s donjim rubom slova L. Slova i crveni kvadrat su blago zakošeni prema naprijed (u desnu stranu). Ispod slova nalazi se žuti element koji se širi slijeva nadesno, iz jedne točke poravnate s lijevim rubom slova H, do prostora omeđenog desnim rubom slova S. (Čl. 6, Statut, 2009.)
Description of flag: Zastava HSLS-a pravokutnog je oblika na čijoj se površini nalazi znak HSLS-a iz stavka 4. ovog članka. (Čl. 6, Statut, 2009.)
Sources: Statut HSLS, 20.05.2000.,, 09.05.2005.
Statut HSLS, 14.11.2009.
The flag is yellow with the party emblem in the bottom and the party name inscribed white along the left edge. The emblem consists of blue initials underlined with a blue arch and a red square dot at the end.
The party was established in 1989 as the first non-Communits party in modern Croatia, initially named Hrvatski socijalno-liberalni savez, and changed the name prior the elections in 1990.
A parlamentary party 1990 – 2011.
HSLS, 1989 – 2007
Adopted: 1989
Description of arms/emblem: Znak HSLS-a sastoji se od slovâ ‘HSLS’ modre boje ispisanih na podlozi žute boje, tip slova: HELVETICA HEAVY. Pored znaka iz stavka 3. ovog članka, znakovima HSLS-a smatraju se i: 1. znak u obliku kvadrata, u kombinaciji crvene, bijele i modre boje, koji se, gledajući odozgo prema dolje, sastoji od: - manjeg kvadrata crvene boje koji čini vrh velikog kvadrata; - uže trake bijele boje koja se nastavlja na liniju crvenog kvadrata, a slijedi oblik vanjskog ruba velikog kvadrata u čijoj se sredini proporcionalno nalazi u obliku raširenog slova ‘V’; - šire trake modre boje u obliku raširenog slova ‘V’ koja slijedi vanjski rub i čini donji dio velikog kvadrata; 2. znak u obliku riječi ‘liberali’ ispisan pisanim slovima modre ili žute boje, tip slova: BRUSH SCRIPT. (Čl. 6, Statut, 2000.)
Description of flag: Zastava HSLS-a pravokutnog je oblika žute boje, na čijoj se površini nalaze znaci HSLS-a iz stavka 3. i 4. ovog članka. (Čl. 6, Statut, 2000.)
Abandoned: 2007
Source: Statut HSLS, 20.05.2000.,, 09.05.2005.
The flag used until 2007 was yellow with the party emblem in the centre above the blue initials HSLS. The emblem consisted of three superimposed rotated squares, with the white word liberali in script in the blue part.
HSN: Croatian Party of Unemployed
Hrvatska stranka nezaposlenih
Seat: Pula
Adopted: 5th October 2005
Description of arms/emblem: … ispisano je HSN, gdje su sva tri slova međusobno spojena na način da je slovo H spojeno na donji krak slova S, a slovo N spojeno na gornji krak slova S i stepenasto su locirana … Stranka ima znak koji se sastoji od kruga žute boje u kojem je velikim slovima ispisano HSN na način opisan u prethodnom članku, s time što je slovo H crvene, S bijele, a N plave boje. Boje slova nisu strogo odijeljene, već se prelijevaju iz jednog slova u drugo. Iz crvene boje izlazi do polovine slova S crveno bijela 'šahovnica'. S lijeve i desne strane žutog kruga vidljiva je horizontalno valovita azurno plavo-travnato zelena traka. Azurno plava boja je u gornjoj, a travnato zelena u donjoj polovini trake. (Čl. 4 i 5, Statut, 2005.)
Description of flag: Zastava stranke je vertikalni pravokutnik u omjeru 1:2, a u sredini se nalazi znak Stranke iz članka 5. Osnovu zastave, pozadi znaka, čine dvije boje: gornja polovina je azurno plava, a donja polovina je travnato zelena. (Čl. 6, Statut, 2005.)
Source: Statut HSN, 05.10.2005.
The flag is a blue-over-green wavy bicolur with a yellow disk containing the initials HSN gradually changing from red to white to blue, the white part containing chequy fields. Since ca. 2011 the party uses blue initials with the last letter extending into a fist and orange name, but this was not confirmed on flags.
The party was established in 2005 as a sucessor of the DAN. In 2008 it was renamed to Croatian Party of Workers and Unemployed (Hrvatska stranka radnika i nezaposlenih, HSRN) with the seat in Čakovec, but it apparently was not meant to be, and the party is still active under its former name.
HSP: Croatian Party of Rights
Hrvatska stranka prava
Seat: Zagreb
Adopted: 1990
Description of arms/emblem: Grb Hrvatske stranke prava je u obliku štita, podijeljenog bijelom dijagonalnom gredom u dva polja. Na gredi je crnim slovima ispisano HSP. Gornje lijevo polje grba HSP-a sadrži dio hrvatskog grba, počevši s bijelim kvadratom. Donje desno polje grba HSP-a je tamno plave boje. Iznad štita je trostruki hrvatski pleter. (Čl. 7, Statut, 2001;Čl. 7, Statut, 2004; Čl. 7, Statut, 2009.)
Sources: Statut HSP, 24.02.2001.
Statut HSP, 28.02.2004,, 09.05.2005.
Statut HSP, 07.11.2009.
The flag is Croatian tricolour with party emblem in the centre. The emblem consists of a shield divided by a white bend sinister with black initials HSP, the upper field being chequy white and red and the lower field is blue. The shield is topped with a white black outlined triple wattle ornament.
The flag is used in variations since 1861, abandoned after the virtual dissolving of the party in 1941. The party was re-established in 1990 and readopted the flag. In 2000 the party changed the visual identity, but the flag was not changed.
A parlamentary party 1990 – 2011.
HSP 1861: Croatian Party of Rights – 1861
Hrvatska stranka prava – 1861
Seat: Zagreb
Adopted: 1995
Source:, 10.05.2005.
The flag is virtually equal to the flag of HSP with the year 1861 added in the inscription.
The party was established in 1995 as a fraction of HSP.
A parlamentary party 1992 – 1995.
HSP AS: Croatian Party of Rights Dr. Ante Starčević
Hrvatska stranka prava dr. Ante Starčević
Seat: Zagreb
Adopted: 2009
Descriptions of arms/emblem: Grb HSP dr. Ante Starčević je u obliku štita, podijeljenog bijelom dijagonalnom gredom u dva polja. Na gredi je crnim slovima ispisano HSP dr. Ante Starčević. Gornje lijevo polje grba HSP-a dr. Ante Starčević sadrži dio hrvatskog grba, počevši s bijelim kvadratom. Donje desno polje grba HSP-a dr.Ante Starčević se sastoji od tamno plavih i bijelih kvadrata kao onih što se nalaze na Hrvatskom grbu, počevši sa prvim plavim poljem. Iznad štita je trostruki hrvatski pleter. (Čl. 6, Statut, 2010.)
Grb HSP AS je u obliku štita, podijeljenog bijelom dijagonalnom gredom u dva polja. Na gredi je crnim slovima ispisano HSP dr. Ante Starčević. Gornje lijevo polje grba HSP-a dr. Ante Starčević sadrži dio hrvatskog grba, počevši s bijelim kvadratom. Donje desno polje grba HSP-a dr. Ante Starčević se sastoji od tamno plavih i bijelih kvadrata kao onih što se nalaze na Hrvatskom grbu, počevši sa prvim plavim poljem. Iznad štita je trostruki hrvatski pleter. (Čl. 2, Statut, 2013.)
Sources: Statut HSP AS, 23.10.2010,, 02.03.2011.
Statut HSP AS, 15.06.2013,, 17.03.2015.
The flag is similar to the flag of HSP with the name added in the inscription and the bottom blue field checkered with white to match the upper white and red field. There is a white fimbriation around the arms in the flag.
The party was established in 2009 as a fraction of HSP.
A parlamentary party since 2011.
HSPD: Croatian Party of the State of Rights
Hrvatska stranka pravne države
Seat: Virovitica
Adopted: 3rd March 2007
Description of arms/emblem: Znak stranke je božica pravde Justicija sa povojem preko očiju koja drži vagu u lijevoj ruci, a u desnoj oštri mač. (Čl. 5, Statut, 2007.)
Description of flag: Zastava je svijetlo plave boje sa otisnutim znakom stranke u sredini. (Čl. 5, Statut, 2007.)
Source: Statut HSPD, 03.03.2007.
The flag is light blue with a blue drawing of Justitia, the Roman goddess of justice, blindfolded, holding a raised sword in her right and scales in her left hand. Along the top are the initials in dark blue, along the bottom the full name and the city of the party seat. Variations in the depiction of the godess were recorded.
The party was established in 2007.
HSS: Croatian Peasant Party
Hrvatska seljačka stranka
Seat: Zagreb
Adopted: about 1930
Description of arms/emblem: Znak HSS-a ima oblik štita s povijesnim hrvatskim grbom (25 kvadratnih polja sa početnim crvenim), iznad kojeg je zeleno polje s kraticom HSS, a od vrha zelenog polja niz lijevi i desni rub grba padaju trake hrvatske zastave. Zeleno polje, povijesni grb, njegova polja i sam štit obrubljeni su zlatnom bojom. (Čl. 2, Statut, 2000;Čl. 2, Statut, 2005.)
Description of flag: Zastava HSS-a sastoji se od tri boje: crvene, bijele i plave sa znakom HSS u donjoj trećini crvenog, bijelog i gornjoj trećini plavog polja. (Čl. 2, Statut, 2000;Čl. 2, Statut, 2005.)
Sources: Statut HSS, 20.12.2000,, 09.05.2005.
Statut HSS, 12.03.2005,, 09.05.2005.
The flag is the Croatian tricolour with the party emblem in the centre. The emblem is the Croatian chequy shield bordered with gold, surrounded with two tricolours and topped with greed field with golden initials HSS.
The party was established in the beginning of 20th century, changing name during the first quarter of the century. In 1941 it was dissolved, though a small part was active in Tito's partisan movement and it was active for a short time after 1945. It was active in exile among the Croatian diaspora. The party was re-established in Croatia in 1989.
A parlamentary party since 1990.
HSU: Croatian Pensioners Party
Hrvatska stranka umirovljenika
Seat: Zagreb
Adopted: 2010
Description of arms/emblem: Znak HSU se sastoji od slova plave boje HSU na bijeloj podlozi, crvenog kvadrata u slovu U i lika golubice u letu iznad slova HSU. (Čl. 3, Statut, 2010.)
Description of flag: Zastava je standarnih dimenzija bijele boje, s tekstom crvene boje "HRVATSKA STRANKA" i ispod toga tekstom plave boje "UMIROVLJENIKA", u sredini zastave dominira golubica plave boje, a u donjem dijelu zastave znak HSU. (Čl. 3, Statut, 2010.)
Sources: Statut HSU, 31.03.2001., 09.05.2005.
Statut HSU, 16.04.2010.
The flag is white with the full party name in two rows at the top, the first line in red, the second in blue, and in the centre a blue-outlined flying dove, and at the base the blue party’s initials with a red square in the letter U. The dove and the initials form the party emblem.
The party was established in 1996.
A parlamentary party since 2004.
HSU, 1996 – 2010
Adopted: 1996
Description of arms/emblem: Znak HSU se sastoji od plave boje slova HSU na bijeloj podlozi, crvenog kvadrata u slovu U i lika golubice u letu iznad slova HSU. (Čl. 2, Statut, 2001.)
Abandoned: 2010
Source: Statut HSU, 31.03.2001., 09.05.2005.
The flag used until 2010 was white with the party emblem in the centre above a red line with the full name of the party inscribed beneath it. The emblem consists of blue initials HSU with a red square in the last letter and a dove flying above those.
HZ: Croatian Dawn Party of the People
Hrvatska zora stranka naroda
Seat: Zagreb
Adopted: 20th July 2013
Description of arms/emblem: Znak HZ-a je izveden iz hrvatskog grba i hrvatske zastave kao njihova dizajn sinteza, izmjeničnih kvadrata i trobojnice koja se vijori. Riješenje slijedi i redoslijed hrvatskih boja: crvenu, bijelu i plavu. Znak ima u podlozi inicijale stranke: kvadrati formiraju slovo "H" a nabrana trobojnica slovo "Z" kao i kršćansku opciju u formi križa koji se proteže kroz cijeli znak. (Čl. 3, Statut, 2013.)
Description of flag: Zastava HZ-a ima znak stranke na podlozi omjera 1:2. (Čl. 3, Statut, 2013.)
Source: Statut HZ, 20.07.2013,, 10.03.2015.
The flag is white with the emblem in the centre. The emblem consists of the tricolour stipes chequered at the hoist 3×2 and with a wave at the fly.
The party was established in 2013.
IDS-DDI: Istrian Democratic Assembly
Istarski demokratski sabor-Dieta Democratica Istriana
Seat: Pula
Adopted: 1990
Description of arms/emblem: IDS ima znak koji se sastoji od bijele kružnice na zelenoj podlozi; u kružnicu su pravilno raspoređene u kuteve zamišljenog ucrtanog jednakostraničnog trokuta i bijelom bojom profilno ucrtani likovi triju koza, okrenute ka lijevoj strani znaka.
Source: Statut IDS-DDI-IDZ, 31.10.1997.
A green flag with the emblem: three white goats, 1 and 2, within a circle edged in white. The party name in all three languages may be inscribed around the emblem. Table flags with the emblem above the initials and full name in Croatian and Italian as also in use. The Statutes do not prescribe the flag and the party rarely if ever uses them.
The party was established in 1990. It is active in Slovenia as well. The full name is in three languages: Istarski demokratski sabor-Dieta Democratica Istriana-Istrski demokratski zbor (IDS-DDI-IDZ), but any combination of the two or any one may be used on it own as appropriate. In general in Croatia it is known simply as IDS.
A parlamentary party since 1990.
ISDF-FSDI: Istrian Social Democratic Forum
Istarski socijaldemokratski forum-Foro Social Democratico Istriano
Seat: Pula
Adopted: 2005
The flag is white with a red outline carnation flower set diagonally, the gray initials ISDF and FSDI in two lines across it, and below the red party name.
The party was established in 1996 initially as the Istrian Democratic Forum (Istarski demokratski forum-Foro Democratico Istriano, IDF-FDI), and since 2006 under the current name.
Jedino Hrvatska: Only Croatia – Movement for Croatia
Jedino Hrvatska – Pokret za Hrvatsku
Seat: Zagreb
Adopted: 21st March 2007
Description of arms/emblem: Znak Stranke sastavljen je od devet crvenih i bijelih polja. (Čl. 4, Statut, 2007.)
Description of flag: Zastava Stranke istovjetna je znaku u omjeru dva puta jedan metar. (Čl. 4, Statut, 2007.)
Source: Statut stranke Jedino Hrvatska, 21.03.2007.
The flag is a 3×3 chequered red-white flag.
The party was established in 2002 as the Croatian Bloc - Movement for Modern Croatia, reestablished in 2008 under the current name.
KPH: Communist Party of Croatia
Komunistička partija Hrvatske
Seat: Umag
Adopted: 25th May 2013
Source: "Osnovana Komunistička partija Hrvatske" (D.Š.),, 19.10.2013.
The flag is red with the emblem in the canton and the yellow party name following it. The emblem is a yellow bordered red five-pointed star with a sickle and hammer in it above the party initials.
The party was established in 2013.
Laburisti: Croatian Labourists - Labour Party
Hrvatski laburisti - Stranka rada
Seat: Zagreb
Adopted: 27th February 2010
Description of arms/emblem: Znak je tipografski u dvije boje: plavoj i narančastoj. Riječi "Hrvatski laburisti" u dva reda nalaze se iznad četverokuta i u plavoj su boji. Riječi "Stranka rada" smještene su u dva reda unutar četverokuta narančaste boje. Slova "A" u riječi "RADA" sadrže obrise strelice koja pokazuje smjer prema gore. (Čl. 3, Statut, 2010; Čl. 3, Statut, 2014.)
Sources: Statut Hrvatski laburista - Stranke rada, 27.02.2010,, 02.03.2011.
Statut Hrvatski laburista - Stranke rada, 05.10.2014,, 17.03.2015.
The flag is white with the emblem being the party name in four rows, the two top blue and the two bottom white in an orange rectangular panel. The letters A in the last word include upward-pointing arrows. The Statutes do not prescribe the flag at all.
The party was established in 2010.
A parlamentary party since 2011.
LS: Liberal Party, 1998 – 2006
Liberalna stranka
Seat: Zagreb
Adopted: 1998
Description of arms/emblem: Znak LS-a sastoji se od kvadrata plave boje unutar kojega su ispisana slova LS žute boje. Iza plavog kvadrata pomaknut je žuti kvadrat iste veličine dijagonalno lijevo gore za 1/10 dijagonale. (Čl. 7, Statut, 2000.)
Abandoned: 2006
Source: Statut LS, 28.10.2000.
The flag is blue with yellow stripe forming the letter L throughout.
The party was established in 1998 by secession from the HSLS. Reunited with HSLS in 2006
A parlamentary party 1998 – 2006.
LIBRA: LIBRA - Party of Liberal Democrats, 2002 – 2005
LIBRA - Stranka liberalnih demokrata
Seat: Zagreb
Adopted: 21st September 2002
Description of arms/emblem: LIBRA ima znak sljedećeg opisa: na kvadratnoj podlozi zaobljenih vrhova, žute boje tipa 100Y (0,0,100,0), nalazi se uglato glagoljsko slovo 'L' plave boje tipa 100C, 75M (100,75,0,0) te – ispod njega, u istoj širini – naziv 'LIBRA' iste boje i vrste slova 'square 721 bold extended bt'; podloga i slova obrubljeni su tankom bijelom linijom. (Čl. 6, Statut, 2002.)
Description of flag: LIBRA ima zastavu sljedećeg opisa: na pravokutnoj podlozi plave boje žuti je znak LIBRE, a ispod njega je, u bijeloj boji, naziv 'STRANKA LIBERALNIH DEMOKRATA' vrste slova 'square 721 bold condensed bt'. (Čl. 6, Statut, 2002.)
Source: Statut LIBRE, 21.09.2002.
The flag is blue with the party emblem in the lower half. The emblem is a yellow square with rounded corners containing a blue Glagolitic letter "ljudije" (Ⰾ) and inscription LIBRA beneath it. Although the full name along the bottom edge was presacribed, it was, apparently, omitted from the flags.
The party was established in 2002 by secession from the HSLS, and in 2005 merged with the HNS.
A parlamentary party 2002 – 2005.
Liga za Brod: Brod League - Party for Animation of Universal Development of the City of Slavonski Brod
Liga za Brod – stranka za poticanje svekolikog razvoja Grada Slavonskog Broda
Seat: Slavonski Brod
Adopted: 9th April 2008
Description of arms/emblem: U sredini simbola udruge nalazi se stilizirani lik ptice čaplje plave boje, kojoj se sa lijeve strane nalazi crveni pravokutnik, a se desne strane plavi pravokutnik. Ispod grafičkog simbola nalazi se natpis ‘Liga za Brod’, u plavoj i crvenoj boji. (Čl. 6, Staut, 2008.)
Description of flag: Zastava Lige za Brod se sastoji od simbola uduge na srebrno sivoj podlozi. (Čl. 6, Staut, 2008.)
Source: Statut Lige za Brod, 09.04.2008.
The flag is silver-gray with the emblem in the base: a blue stylized heron between a red and a blue slanted quadrangle and below, in two rows, blue inscription LIGA and red ZA BROD.
The party was established in 2009.
LISTA-RI: Charter for Rijeka
Lista za Rijeku - Lista per Fiume
Seat: Rijeka
Adopted: 26th September 2006
Description of arms/emblem: Znak stranke čine tri ‘kvačice’ bordo-žuto-plave boje ispod kojih sivim slovima piše (Čl. 7, Statut, 2006.)
Source: Statut LISTA-RI, 26.09.2006.
The emblem consists of three ticks (check marks) in Bordeaux red, yellow, and blue respectively, and below them the gray inscription The emblem is used on white vertical flags. The party also uses the historical red-yellow-blue flags of Rijeka with the istorical city coat of arms in the centre.
The party was established in 2006.
LJEVICA: Left of Croatia
Ljevica Hrvatske
Seat: Rijeka
Adopted: 2004
Description of arms/emblem: Znak Ljevice Hrvatske je crveni kvadrat sa pet bijelih dlanova koji predstavljaju 5 hrvatskih povijesnih regija i međusobno tvore crvenu petokraku. (Čl. 4, Statut, 2007.)
Description of flag: Zastava Ljevice je crvene boje 1:2 na čijoj lijevoj strani gore se nalazi pet bijelih dlanova (znak) koji međusobno tvore crvenu petokraku ispod čega piše velikim tiskanim slovima LJEVICA HRVATSKE. (Čl. 4, Statut, 2007.)
Source: Statut LJEVICE, 25.03.2007.
The flag is red with the emblem in canton and at the base the white full party name. The emblem consists of five white hands forming a red five-pointed star.
The party was established in 2007 as union of four parties: the Third Croatian Bloc (Treći hrvatski blok, THB, Rijeka, est. 2001, renamed in 2003. to Bebić Vladimir - Treći hrvatski blok), the Adriatic Assembly (Jadranski sabor, Zadar, est. 2003), the Olive - Dalmatian Authonomist Party (Maslina - Dalmatinska autonomaška stranka, Split, est. 2003, sucessor to Dalmatian Action, Dalmatinska akcija, DA, est. 1990) and the Social-Democratic Union (Socijaldemokratska unija, SDU, Zagreb, est. 1992, renamed from the Association for Yugoslav Democratic Initiative, Udruženje za jugoslavensku demokratsku inicijativu, UJDI, est. 1989).
MDS: Democratic Union of Međimurje
Međimurski demokratski savez
Seat: Čakovec
Adopted: ?
The flag in use is white with emblem consisting of capital Italic initials, each letter in red, blue, and green respectively, and a yellow five-pointed star on the top right of the letter D. It is not prescribed in the statutes.
The party was established in 2005.
A parlamentary party 2005 – 2007.
MDS, 2005 – ca. 2007
Adopted: 20th March 2005
Description of arms/emblem: MDS ima svoj znak koji se sastoji od tri mala pisana slova ‘mds’ tipa monotype corsina od kojih je slovo ‘m’ zelene boje, slovo ‘d’ plave boje, i slovo ‘s’ žute boje, a nalaze se na crvenoj podlozi. (Čl. 6, Statut, 2005.)
Source: Statut MDS, 20.03.2005.
The flag used initially was white with the emblem prescribed in the Statutes: the small Italic initials in green, blue and yellow.
MGI ZAJEDNO: Maksimir Civil Initiative - TOGETHER
Maksimirska građanska inicijativa - ZAJEDNO
Seat: Zagreb
Adopted: 9th March 2013
Description of arms/emblem: […] znak Stranke oko kojeg je 11 kvadratića a ispod se nalazi tekst: MAKSIMIRSKA GRAĐANSKA INICIJATIVA - Z A J E D N O. U sredina znaka Stranke nalazi se stilizirana Maksimirska mogila sa zaglavnim kamenom - koji sadržava povijesni hrvatski grb. Na zaglavnom kamenu nalazi se silueta ptice Sokol. Mogilu okružuju 11 kvadratića u crvenoj boji koji simboliziraju 11 mjesnih odbora
Gradske četvrti Maksimir. (Čl. 2, Statut, 2013.)
Description of flag: Zastava Stranke pravokutnog je oblika podijeljena na dva uzdužna polja plavo - zelene boje u čijoj sredini se nalazi znak Stranke s nazivom. Veličina zastave određuje se u omjeru 2:1,5. (Čl. 2, Statut, 2013.)
Source: Statut MGI ZAJEDNO, 09.03.2013,, 10.03.2015.
The flag is a blue over green bicolour with the emblem in the centre. The emblem is a white rectangle with a depiction of the Maksimir Mogila (green hill with a staircase topped with a postament ensigned with the chequy shield with a falcon on top) encircled with 11 red squares within a green frame on top, left and right, and the party name in three rows at the bottom.
The party was established in 2013.
Most: Bridge of Independent Lists
Most: Most nezavisnih lista
Seat: Metković
Adopted: 17th November 2013
Description of arms/emblem: Znak Mosta sastoji se od riječi "Most" izvedene tipografskim masnim slovima tamnonarančaste boje na bijeloj podlozi. Od početka do kraja znaka po njegovoj sredini proteže se luk koji vizualno ocrtava most. (Čl. 3, Statut, 2012.)
Description of flag: Zastava Mosta sastoji se od dviju boja, narančaste i plave. Zastava je vertikalnom i horizontalnom bijelom linijom podijeljena na četiri kvadrata, od kojih su gorni lijevi i donji desni narančaste boje, a gornji desni i donji lijevi plave boje. Na gornjem lijevom kvadratu po sredini nalazi se bijelim slovima upisan znak stranke Most. (Čl. 3, Statut, 2012.)
Source: Statut Mosta nezavisnih lista, 17.11.2012,, 10.03.2015.
The flag is quartered orange and blue with a corss white and in the canton the white party emblem, cosisting of the word "most " (bridge) in bold typeface with an arched line passing through it.
The party was established in 2012.
MS: Međimurje Party
Međimurska stranka
Seat: Čakovec
Adopted: 2001
Description of arms/emblem: Znak je stilizirano polje štita okomito po sredini podijeljeno na dva dijela. Lijevo zeleno polje simbolizira briježni dio Međimurja sa zelenim vinogradima, a desno polje je zlatno žuto i simbolizira međimursku ravnicu sa zrelim pšeničnim poljima. Vodoravno preko znaka idu tri plave stilizirane rijeke – gornja i donja preko cijelog polja, a srednja samo preko zlatnožutog polja – što simbolizira Muru, Dravu i Trnavu. (Čl. 5, Statut, 2001.)
Description of flag: Zastava je četverokutnog oblika u proporciji 2:1, podijeljena u dva polja: lijeva polovica je zlatnožuta boja sa znaka, a desna polovica je zelena boja sa znaka. U sredini je smješten znak stranke, koji sa zastavom čini asimetriju boja. Znak je u zastavi obrubljen crnom crtom. (Čl. 5, Statut, 2001.)
Source: Statut MS,, 20.04.2005.
The flag is vertically divided yellow and green with the party emblem in the centre. The emblem is a shield per fess vert and or overall three wavy bars azure the central one in the sinister field only. The shield represents the Međimuje highlands (green) and lowlads with wheat (yellow) and the three main rivers - Drava, Mura and Trnava between them.
The party was established in 2001.
NS: Our Party
Naša stranka
Seat: Borovo
Adopted: 8th January 2011
Description of arms/emblem: NS ima grb oblika dva spojena paralelograma, crvene i plave boje, između kojih su tri žute zvjezdice, sa čije desne strane je ispisan naziv NAŠA STRANKA na hrvatskom jeziku i latiničnom pismu, srpskom jeziku i ćiriličnom pismu i na engleskom jeziku. (Čl. 5, Statut, 2011.)
Description of flag: Zastava NS je bijele boje, veličine 1m x 2m. Znak NS je u gornjem lijevom kutu zastave, ispod kojega je ispisan naziv „NAŠA STRANKA" na hrvatskom jeziku i latiničnom pismu, srpskom jeziku i ćiriličnom pismu, te na engleskom jeziku. (Čl. 5, Statut, 2011.)
Source: Statut Naše stranke, 08.01.2011,, 10.03.2015.
The flag is white with the party emblem in the canton over the three line inscription of the party name in Croatian (Latin script, red), Serbia (Cyrillic script, blue) and English (Latin script, black outlined white). The emblem consists of two parallelograms red and blue next to each other with tghree golden five-pointed stars along their common edge.
The party was established in 2011.
NSS: New Serbian Party
Nova srpska stranka - Нова српска странка
Seat: Vukovar
Adopted: 1st February 2009
Description of arms/emblem: NSS ima znak koji se sastoji od devet kvadrata raspoređenih u tri reda, u kojima je kratica imena stranke na latiničnom pismu, ćiriličnom pismu i na engleskom jeziku. U prvom redu prvi kvadrat je crvene boje, u drugom redu je drugi kvadrat plave boje, a svi ostali kvadrati su bijele boje. (Čl. 6, Statut, 2009.)
Description of flag: NSS ima zastavu plave boje u omjeru 2:1, sa znakom stranke iz prethodnog stavka. Pored znaka na zastavi se ispisuju nazivi: 'Nova srpska stranka' u prvom redu na latiničnom pismu, u drugom redu na ćiriličnom pismu 'Нова Српска Странка' i u trećem redu 'New Serbian Party'. (Čl. 6, Statut, 2009.)
Source: Statut NSS, 01.02.2009.
The flag is light blue with the emblem in the canton, consisting of nine (3×3) squares, the first red and the central blue, the others white. Each square includes an initial, in the first row NSS, the second ???, and the third NSP. To the right of the emblem appear the full name of the party in Croatian, Serbian (Cyrillic), and English, in three rows, and in red, blue, and white, respectively.
The party was established in 2009.
PGS: Primorje - Gorski Kotar Alliance
Primorsko goranski savez
Seat: Rijeka
Adopted: 1996
Description of arms/emblem: Znak Stranke sastoji se od tri velika slova PGS i grafičkog znaka koji simboliziraju dva vala. Gornji val simbolizira brijeg zelene boje, a donji val simbolizira morski val plave boje. Valovi se sastoje od pet traka koje simboliziraju ljudske ruke koje se isprepliću stvarajući povjerenje i dobru vjeru među ljudima. (Čl. 5, Statut, 2006.)
Source: Statut PGS, 17.03.2006,, 10.03.2011.
The flag is white with the party emblem in the centre above the black Italic party name. The emblem consists of the blue Italic initials and two "waves", the top one green and the bottom one blue, each composed of five "fingers". The flag is not described in the statutes.
In 2010 the party adopted a new visual identity (logo), but the flags in use remained the same.
The party was established in 1990 as the Democratic Alliance of Rijeka (Riječki demokratski savez, first RDS, soon afterwards RiDS) and renamed in 1996. to the current name.
A parlamentary party 1992 – 2007.
PPS: Party of Danube Serbs
Partija podunavskih Srba
Seat: Vukovar
Adopted: 28th February 1998
Description of arms/emblem: Žig PPS-a četverokutnog je oblika sa zaobljenim gornjim dijelom. Unutar zaobljenog dijela žute boje, raspoređeno je u kružnom poretku 12 (dvanaest) zvjezdica plave boje i ispisan tekst Partija podunavskih Srba. Slova su plave boje. U donjem dijelu znaka koji je crvene boje nalaze se dva slova ‘P’ u međusobno suprotnom položaju ispisana plavom bojom. (Čl. 3, Statut, 1998.)
Description of flag: Zastava stranke plave je boje sa znakom na sredini. Zastava je pravokutnog oblika dimenzije 2 x 1 metar. (Čl. 3, Statut, 1998.)
Source: Statut PPS, Narodne novine, no. 1334, 96/1998. 15. srpnja 1998.
The flag is blue with emblem in the centre consisting of a red rectangle with two addorsed letters P topped with yellow semicircle with 12 blue stars in circle in the name of the party below them. Image is based on the description in the Statute.
The party was established in 1998.
PS: Pirate Party
Piratska stranka
Seat: Zagreb
Adopted: 2011
Description of arms/emblem: Znak stranke je sastavljen od stiliziranoga slova "P" u obliku razvijenog jedra, a površina jedra je popunjena šahovnicom s crvenim i bijelim poljima. Ispod slova P ispisano je "". (Čl. 3, Statut, 2013.)
Source: Statut Piratske stranke, 23.03.2013,, 10.03.2015.
The flag is dark yellow with the emblem in the centre with the name inscribed following it in two lines, white on a black and black on a white stripe. The emblem is a black edged white disk with a triangular pennant on a black mast, the pennant in shape of a stylized letter P, red and white checkered 3×5. The flag is not prescribed in the statutes and it is used in variations with different background colour - purple, pale red, orange etc.
The party was established in 2011.
PSS: Party of Posavina and Slavonia
Posavsko-slavonska stranka
Seat: Županja
Adopted: 6th January 2005
Description of arms/emblem: Znak je stilizirano polje štita horizontalno podijeljeno na tri dijela. Donje smeđe polje simbolizira slavonsku ravnicu i rodna polja, srednje plavo polje simbolizira rijeku Savu, a gornje polje je šahovnica. Na gornjem polju ispisan je skraćeni naziv stranke. (Čl. 2, Statut, 2005.)
Source: Statut PSS, 06.01.2005, Narodne novine, br. 34/2005.
The flag in use is a blue and yellow vertical bicolour with the name of the party in gold in two rows above the emblem. The emblem is in a shield shape on a chequy background the initials PSS above a blue fracted bar above a brown base. The statutes do not describe the flag.
The party was established in 2005.
S-BHS: Slavonia and Baranja Croatian Party
Slavonsko-baranjska hrvatska stranka
Seat: Osijek
Adopted: 1995
Source: Zdenko Maurus: "Slavonsko baranjska hrvatska stranka, Arhiva o djelovanju SBHS - slavonsko baranjske hrvatske stranke od 12.12.1992.",, 08.03.2011.
The flag is white over blue bicolour with the party emblem in the centre of the white stripe. The emblem consists of a white rotated square with a red square at its top and a blue at the bottom and the running marten in the centre and with the bold initials to the side, the hyphen made as a red rotated square. White flags with the emblem in the centre were also recorded in use.
The party was established in 1992. In 2008 it united with HDSSB.
A parliamentary party 1995 – 2003.
SDAH: Party of Democratic Action of Croatia
Stranka demokratske akcije Hrvatske
Seat: Zagreb
Adopted: 1990
Description of arms/emblem: Znak Stranke su stilizirana slova SDA ispisana preko obrisa zemljine kugle i polumjeseca. (Čl. 7, Statut, 2012.)
Description of flag: Zastava Stranke je zelene i i bijele boje sa zelenim polumjesecom. Odnos širine i dužine zastave je jedan prema dva. Boje zastave su položene vodoravno: zelena, bijela i ponovo zelena, a odnos širina boja je jedan prema tri prema jedan. Polumjesec se nalazi na bijelom polju i njegov gornji krak počinje na trećini dužine zastave polazeći od njezina koplja. (Čl. 7, Statut, 2012.)
Source: Statut SDA Hrvatske, 18. 12. 1994. 05.08.2002.
The flag is horizonal triband of green-white-green, with the white stripe bearing of the triple width of each of the green stripes, and with a green crescent in the white stripe next to the hoist, its horns pointing towards the fly.
The party was established in 1990 as the Party of Democratic Action - Branch for Croatia (Stranka demokratske akcije - ogranak za Hrvatsku), since 1992 under the current name.
A parliamentary party 2004 – 2011.
SDH: Social Democratic Party of Croatia, 1989 – 1994
Socijaldemokratska stranka Hrvatske
Seat: Zagreb
In use: since 1989
Abandoned: 30th April 1994
Source: Dr. Zdenko Franić, SDP 1996.
The flag is the Croatian tricolour with the party emblem in the centre, consisting of the initials horizontally divided in red white and blue and a red rose. White flags with the emblem were also occasionally in use.
The party was established in 1989 initially using the abbreviation SDSH, eventually changed it to SDH, and eventually changing the name to the Social Democrats of Croatia (Socijaldemokrati Hrvatske). The party merged with the Social Democratic Party of Croatia (SDP) in 1994. Parliamentary party 1990 – 1992.
SDP: Social Democratic Party of Croatia
Socijaldemokratska partija Hrvatske
Seat: Zagreb
Adopted: 10th May 2008
Descriptions of arms/emblem: Socijaldemokratska partija Hrvatske ima znak koji se sastoji od crvenog kvadrata, u kojem je kratica imena stranke upisana bijelim slovima u kosom potezu uvis. (Čl. 2, Odluka, 2004.)
SDP ima znak koji se sastoji od crvenog kvadrata, u kojem je kratica imena stranke upisana bijelim slovima u kosom potezu uvis. (Čl. 7, Statut, 2008; Čl. 7, Statut, 2012.)
Description of flag: SDP ima zastavu crvene boje u omjeru 2:1 sa znakom Stranke iz prethodnog stavka. (Čl. 7, Statut, 2008; Čl. 7, Statut, 2012.)
Sources: Statut SDP, 10.05.2008.
Statut SDP, 12.06.2012.
The flag is red with the party emblem consisting of a red square with white slanted initials SDP, in the top fly. In the hoist part, along the bottom the party name inscribed white in two rows.
The party was established in 1989 as sucessor to the League of Communists of Croatia (Savez komunista Hrvatske, SKH), first as the League of Communists of Croatia - Party for Democratic Changes (Savez komunista Hrvatske - Stranka demokratskih promjena, SKH-SDP) and soon renamed to the current name in 1990. It organized the first multiparty elections. United with the Social Democrats of Croatia (Socijaldemokrati Hrvatske, SDH, est. 1990 as Socijaldemokratska stranka Hrvatske, SDSH) in 1994. Parliamentary party since 1990, in government 2000 – 2003 leadiang a coalition, and again since 2011.
SDP, 2005 – 2008
In use: since 1st January 2005
Adopted: 8th May 2004
Description of arms/emblem: ut supra
Description of flag: Socijaldemokratska partija Hrvatske ima zastavu bijele boje u omjeru 2:1 sa znakom stranke iz čl. 2. ove odluke. (Čl. 3, Odluka, 2004.)
Source: Statutarna odluka o znaku, 08.05.2004., 09.05.2005.
The flag used shorty between 2005 and 2008 (formaly, but occasionally even longer) was white with the party emblem consisting of a red square with white slanted initials SDP, the emblem set twice in the fly forming a chequy pattern. In the hoist part, along the bottom the name of the party inscribed black in two rows.
SDP, 1990 – 2004
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Adopted: 1993
Description of arms/emblem: SDP ima znak koji se sastoji od crvenog, plavog i zelenog kvadrata spojenih po lijevoj dijagonali i slova SDP (tip pisma: verzal times bold). (Čl. 7, Statut, 2000; Čl. 7, Statut, 2004.)
Description of flag: Zastava stranke je bijele boje u omjeru 2:1 sa znakom stranke iz stavka 2. ovoga članka. (Čl. 7, Statut, 2000; Čl. 7, Statut, 2004.)
Abandoned: 1st January 2005
Sources: Statut SDP, 02.12.2000,, 09.05.2005.
Statut SDP, 08.05.2004,, 09.05.2005.
Dr. Zdenko Franić, SDP 1996.
The flag used initially was white with the party emblem consisting of three squares red, blue and green and black initials SDP. Below the initials it is inscribed the full party name, ocassionally omitted.
SDP, 1990 – 1993
Adopted: 1990
The first flag used by the SDP after the democratic changes was a liht blu eflag with three five-pointed stars: yellow, red and green.
SDSS: Independent Democratic Serbian Party
Samostalna demokratska srpska stranka - Самостална демократска српска странка
Seat: Vukovar
Adopted: 6th October 2001
Description of arms/emblem: Znak Stranke je stilizirano osjenčeno slovo 'S' na kome je gornji dio crvene, a donji dio plave boje. Ispod stiliziranog slova 'S' ispisan je skraćeni naziv 'SDSS' crvenom bojom latiničnim slovima i 'СДСС' ćiriličnim slovima plavom bojom, tako da latinični tekst svojom donjom stranom prikriva gornju stranju ćiriličnih slova. Podloga znaka je bijele boje, uokvirena pravokutnikom crvene i plave boje. (Čl. 5, Statut, 2001.)
Description of flag: Zastava je pravokutnog oblika, plave boje. Odnos širine i dužine zastave je 1:2. U gornjem lijevom kutu je znak Stranke, a na zadnjoj strani paralelno sa zadnjom bočnom stranom ispisan je puni naziv Stranke latiničnim slovima crvenom bojom i ćiriličnim slovima tamno plavom bojom. (Čl. 5, Statut, 2001.)
Sources: Statut SDSS, 06.10.2001,, 09.05.2005.
Danko Nikolić, generalni sekretar SDSS, 23.05.2005.
The flag is light blue with the party emblem in the canton and the full name of the party inscribed along the fly endge in Latin red slightly overlapping Cyrillic blue letters. The party emblem is a white rectangular panel bordered blue and red containing the party initials in Latin red and in Cyrillic blue letters, red slightly overlapping the blue and a symbol consisting of two stylized Cyrillic letters "С", one red and the other blue, forming the Latin letter "S".
The party is established in 1995 by unification of various political options from the Eastern Slavonia with the Independent Serbian Party (Samostalna srpska stranka, SSS) with the seat in Zagreb. The name was changed to the current one in 1997, when the seat was also moved to Vukovar.
A parliamentary party 1995 – 1999 and since 2004.
SDSS, 1995 – 2001
Adopted: about 1995
Abandoned: 2001
Source: Danko Nikolić, generalni sekretar SDSS, 23.05.2005.
The flag used until 2001 was the Serb tricolour with golden emblem consisting of the party initials in Cyrillic letters. The party was established in Serb held territories of Croatia during the time of transitional international government in 1995 by the parts of Serb Democratic Party (SDS) willing to undergo changes, and continued to work in Republic of Croatia after reintegration of the regions. The emblem is based on SDS emblem with additional letter "С" below.
SHB: Party of Croatian Defenders
Stranka hrvatskih branitelja
Seat: Zagreb
Adopted: 23rd May 2001
Description of arms/emblem: Znak SHB-a je u obliku srca koje je pravilno podijeljeno kockastim crvenim i bijelim poljima. Na sredini srca nalazi se stisnuta desna šaka s dijelom ruke. Iznad srca nalazi se skraćeni oblik naziva stranke – SHB. (Čl. 3, Statut, 2001.)
Description of flag: Zastava je pravokutna, oblika (trobojnica crven-bijeli-plavi). U središnjem dijelu bijelog polja zastave je znak SHB-a iznad kojeg je polukružno ispisano ime stranke, a ispod slogan: 'Domovini vjerni'. (Čl. 3, Statut, 2001.)
Source: Statut SHB, 23.05.2001.
The flag is a red, white and blue tricolour with the emblem in its centre: a dexter fist with a part of the arm in front of a chequy heart topped with the inscription SHB. Above it in an arch there is inscribed the name, and below in an arch the motto "Faithful to the Homeland".
The party was established in 2001.
SKH: League of Communists of Croatia, 1963 – 1990
Savez komunista Hrvatske
Adopted: 1963 ?
Abandoned: 1990
The leading (and only) party of the socialist Croatia within Yugoslavia was member of Yugoslav League of Communists, and the pattern of the flag followed - the only difference being the small initials below the star. In theory the flag with inscriptions in any language of the peoples living in Croatia could be used, though in practice it was mostly only the Croatian inscription.
Slavonska ravnica: Democratic Party of Slavonia Plain
Demokratska stranka slavonske ravnice
Seat: Osijek
Adopted: 1998
Source: Facebook stranice Slavonske ravnice,, 10.03.2015.
The flag is white over blue bicolour with the party emblem offset to the hoist, the party name blue in the top fly and the short name white in the bottom fly. The emblem is the Slavonian coat of arms, its the mullet replaced with a wheat ear (azure between two bars argent gules a marten and in the chief a wheat ear) in the pentagonal shape as it appears in the state arms of the Republic of Croatia.
It seems that the party also uses a circular golden emblem with the same wheat ear, that might appear in dark yellow flags.
The party was established in 1998.
SNS: Serbian Popular Party
Srpska narodna stranka - Српска народна странка
Seat: Zagreb
Adopted: 1991
Description of arms/emblem: Amblem je izduženoga oblika na čijem vrhu se nalazi dio zastave Republike Hrvatske u izvijenom četverokutnom obliku na kojoj su, vodoravno položene, odozgo prema dolje, sljedeće boje: crvena, bijela i plava. U sredini na bijelom polju zastave je latiničnim pismom ispisano 'SNS', a ispod plavog polja ispisano je 'SRPSKA NARODNA STRANKA'. Na dnu amblema se nalaze, u uvijenom četverokutnom obliku, vodoravno položene, odozgo prema dolje, sljedeće boje: crvena, plava i bijela. U sredini na plavom polju ćiriličnim pismom ispisano je 'СНС', a iznad crvenog polja ispisano je 'СРПСКА НАРОДНА СТРАНКА'. U sredini amblema nalazi se portret Nikole Tesle. (Čl. 4, Statut, 2005.)
Source: Statut SNS, 06.08.2005
The flag is a red, blue, and white tricolour with the emblem in its centre: a white disk inscribed semicircularly with the full party name in Latin letters along the top and in Cyrillic letters along the bottom and a portrait of Nikola Tesla in its centre. Along the top the Croatian tricolour arch is inscribed SNS, and along the bottom the Serbian tricolour is inscribed СНС. The statutes do not describe the flag and it is used very rarely.
Around 2012 the party started using a new emblem, but it was not reported used on flags.
The party is established in 1991.
A parliamentary party 1992 – 2003.
SRH: Party of Roma of Croatia, 1990 - 2012
Stranka Roma Hrvatske
Seat: Bjelovar
Adopted: 1990
Source: Lj. T.: „Ravnopravnost“, Bjelovarski list, 26. 7. 1990., str. 1.
The flag is a white over green bicolour with an eight-spoked wheel in the centre of unspecified color.
The party is established in 1990 and it was active in wider Bjelovar area until 2012.
SRP: Socialist Labour Party of Croatia
Socijalistička radnička partija Hrvatske
Seat: Zagreb
Adopted: 1997
Description of arms/emblem: SRP kao svoj znak ima zlatno-žuti pentagram i tiskana slova SRP. (Čl. 9, Statut, [2002.])
Description of flag: Zastava je crvene boje u omjeru 1:2 sa zlatno-žutim pentagramom na sredini zastave. Ispod pentagrama zlatno-žutim slovima ispisan je skraćeni naziv SRP. (Čl. 9, Statut, [2002.])
Sources: Statut SRP, [n. d.] (25.10.1997, izmenjen i dopunjen 24.06.2000. i 05.04.2002.),, 10.03.2011.
"Simboli partije",, 10.03.2011.
The flag is red with the party emblem in the centre. The emblem is a golden yellow pentagramme above the initials inscribed in yellow capital letters.
The party is established in 1997.
SSH: Socialist Party of Croatia, 1992 – 1994
Socijalistička stranka Hrvatske
Seat: Zagreb
Adopted: 1992
Abandoned: 1994
The flag is a red-white-blue tricolour, with the white field double the width of the other stripes and containing the emblem: a four-leaf clover with petals of green, blue, yellow, and red.
The party was established in 1992 as sucessor of the Socialist Union - Socialist Party of Croatia (Socijalistički savez - Savez socijalista Hrvatske), SS-SSH, 1990 – 1992, itself inheriting the Socialist Union of Working People of Croatia (Socijalistički savez radnog naroda Hrvatske), SSSRNH, 1953 – 1990, and previously the People's Liberation Front of Croatia (Narodnooslobodilačka fronta Hrvatske), 1945 – 1953 and Unified People's Liberation Front (Jedinstvena narodnooslobodilačka fronta), 1944 – 1945. In 1994 it was reformed into the Social Democratic Action of Croatia (Akcija socijaldemokrata Hrvatske, ASH).
SSH: Association of Trade Unions of Croatia, – 1990
Savez sindikata Hrvatske
Adopted: in 1960's ?
Abandoned: 1990
The flag is red with golden pentagonal emblem containing symbols – a sickle, a hammer, a torch, a cog wheel and corn ears.
SSSH: Association of Independent Trade Unions of Croatia
Savez samostalnih sindikata Hrvatske
Adopted: about 1990
The flag is light green with shield-like emblem in the middle. The shield is lined blue with white border and green field with stylized red rooster, and in white chief initials SSSH and chequy pattern.
SU: Party of Pensioners
Stranka umirovljenika
Seat: Zagreb
Adopted: 21st August 2010
Description of arms/emblem: Znak SU-a je: Skraćeni naziv Stranke: SU ispisan velikim slovima crvene boje na bijeloj podlozi. Ispod slova SU nalaze se tri plave linije. Ispod tri linije velikim štampanim slovima crvene boje piše STRANKA UMIROVLJENIKA. Ispod teksta STRANKA UMlROVUENIKA se nalazi Pleter u plavoj boji. Sve skupa je omeđeno okvirom plave boje. (Čl. 1, Izmjene i dopune, 2010.)
Description of flag: Zastava je standardnih dimenzija bijele boje, sa tekstom s velikim slovima SU crvene boje ispod čega su tri plave linije, a ispod njih velikim štampanim slovima crvene boje tekst STRANKA UMIROVLJENIKA, a ispod teksta STRANKA UMIROVLJENIKA nalazi se pleter u plavoj boji, sve skupa je omeđeno okvirom plave boje. (Čl. 1, Izmjene i dopune, 2010.)
Source: Odluka o izmjeni i dopuni Statuta, 21.08.2010,, 10.03.2011.
The flag is white bordered blue, in the centre the red initials above three narrow blue lines, above the red party name and above a blue wattle ornament.
The party is established in 2000.
SU, 2009 – 2010
Adopted: 13th August 2009
Description of arms/emblem: Znak SU se sastoji od crvene boje slova SU na bijeloj podlozi. (Čl. 2, Statut, 2009.)
Description of flag: Zastava je standardnih dimenzija bijele boje, sa tekstom plave boje 'STRANKA UMIROVLJENIKA', a u donjem dijelu zastave znak SU. (Čl. 2, Statut, 2009.)
Abandoned: 21st August 2010
Source: Statut SU, 13.08.2009.
The flag used previously was white with the red initials SU and the blue party name above them.
SU, 2000 – 2009
Adopted: 2000
Abandoned: 2009
The flag used initially was a red-white-blue tricolour, and on the white stripe of double width of the red and blue sripes, the red initials SU and the blue party name in an arch above them.
ZDS: Democratic Party of Zagorje
Zagorska demokratska stranka
Seat: Zabok
Adopted: 1997
Description of arms/emblem: Znak ZDS je sastavljen od međusobno povezanih velikih slova Z, D i S koja su obojena u nijansama tamno zelene boje, a unutar donje vodoravne linije velikog slova Z smještena su dva jednako velika kvadratića crvene boje međusobno spojena vrškovima. (Čl. 5, Statut, 2001.)
Description of flag: Zastava ZDS-a je crvene, bijele i plave boje koje su međusobno odijeljene valovitim linijama koje simboliziraju pitome zagorske brežuljke. U sredini zastave, pretežno na bijelom polju, smješten je grb u obliku znaka ZDS-a. (Čl. 5, Statut, 2001.)
Source: Statut ZDS, 07.04.2001., 09.05.2005.
The flag is a tricolour of red over white over blue divided in wavy lines and overall the party emblem consisting of the initials in various shades of green and two red squares. The wavy lines are said to represent the low hills of Zagorje region.
The party is established in 1997.
A parliamentary party without representatives 2003 – 2011.
Zeleni: Croatian Green Party - Ecological Alliance
Hrvatska stranka zelenih - Eko savez
Seat: Zagreb
Adopted: 1996
Descriptions of arms/emblem: Znak HRVATSKOG EKOLOŠKOG SAVEZA se sastoji od stiliziranog grba Republike Hrvatske u obliku okrenutog trokuta tako da se grb sastoji od 9 polja, od kojih je prvo crvene boje. Na grbu je postavljen stiliziran hrast lužnjak. S lijeva između krošnje i grba je napisano HRVATSKI EKOLOŠKI SAVEZ, a s desna između krošnje i grba je napisana 1996., godina osnivanja stranke. (Čl. 5, Statut, 2001.)
Znak Hrvatske stranke zelenih-Eko saveza se sastoji od stiliziranog grba Republike Hrvatske u obliku okrenutog trokuta tako da se grb sastoji od 9 polja, od kojih je prvo crvene boje. Na grbu je postavljen stiliziran hrast lužnjak. S lijeva između krošnje i grba je napisano Hrvatska stranka zelenih-Eko savez, a s desna između krošnje i grba je napisana 1996., godina osnivanja stranke. (Čl. 5, Statut, 2002.)
Description of flag: Zastava Hrvatske stranke zelenih-Eko saveza je oblika pravokutnika, zelene boje, a u sredini zastave nalazi se romb bijele boje u čijoj sredini je znak stranke. (Čl. 5, Statut, 2002.)
Sources: Statut HES, 04.07.2001.
Statut Hrvatske stranke zelenih-Eko saveza, 01.09.2002,, NN 135/2002
The flag is green with a white rhombus containing the party emblem. The emblem consists of a downpointing triangle with 9-pieces chequy field and an oak tree growing from it. To its left is the name of the party and to the right is the year 1996. As the party changed its name, the inscription was, of course, amended in the flags.
The party was established in 1996 as the Croatian Green Party (Hrvatska stranka zelenih, HSZ), in 2001 renamed to the Croatian Ecological Alliance (Hrvatski ekološki savez, HES) and since 2002 under the current name and abbreviatied form Zeleni (the Green). Prior to 1996 the same leadership led the Croatian Party of Natural Law (Hrvatska stranka naravnog zakona) and the Democratic Alliance of the Green (Demokratski savez zelenih).
Zeleni: Green Alliance
Zeleni savez
Seat: Pula
Adopted: 19th May 2012
Description of arms/emblem: Znak Zeleni sastoji se od stiliziranog grba Republike Hrvatske tako da se polje znaka dijeli na četiri dijela od čega su gornji lijevi i desni kvadrati od bijele i crvene boje, što znaći lijevi je od bijele boje, a desni crvene boje. Donji lijevi je crvene boje, a donji desni od bijele boje. U gornjem lijevom kvadratu nalazi se hrastova grančica sa dva žira i jednim listom, a desno od nje maslinova grančica sa dvije masline i dva lista. U donjem desnom dijelu velikim tiskanim slovima ispisan je Z. (Čl. 7, Statut, 2012.)
Source: Statut Zelenog saveza, 19.05.2012.
The flag is green with the map of Croatia coloured in gradually changing from top to bottom red-white-blue and a globe handing from a green twig with leaves. Above the map is in an arch inscribed the white party name, and below in a line the short name. The statutes do not prescribe a flag and prescribe a different emblem.
The party was established in 2003 as the Green Party - Geen Alternative (Zelena stranka - zelena alternativa) and changed its name in 2012 to the current one.
Zeleni: Green Party - Geen Alternative, 2003 – 2012
Zelena stranka - zelena alternativa
Adopted: 2003
Abandoned: 2012
Source: Izborni program za parlamentarne izbore 2011, 30.11.2011, Zeleni savez,, 10.03.2015.
The same flag with the previous party name in the top arch was used prior to 2012.
ZS: Zagorje Party
Zagorska stranka
Seat: Zabok
Adopted: 2004
Description of arms/emblem: Znak ZS-a je sastavljen od međusobno povezanih velikih slova Z i S koja su tamno zelene boje. (Čl. 5, Statut, [n. d.])
Description of flag: Zastava ZS-a je zelene i plave boje koje simboliziraju zagorske brežuljke te rijeke i jezera. U sredini zastave smješten je znak 'ZS' žute boje. (Čl. 5, Statut, [n. d.])
Source: Statut ZS, [n. d.],, 08.03.2011.
The flag is a blue-over-green wavy bicolour with the emblem consisting of the gold initials.
The party is established in 2004.
Živi zid: Living wall
Živi zid
Seat: Zagreb
Adopted: 31st August 2014
Description of arms/emblem: Stranka ima svoj znak na kojem piše ŽIVI ZID. Znak je pravokutnog oblika, lijevi dio podloge je crne boje i na njemu žutom bojom piše ŽIVI, a desni dio podloge je žute boje i na njemu crnim slovima piše ZID. (Čl. 8, Statut, 2014.)
Description of flag: Stranka ima zastavu. Zastava je pravokutnog oblika bijele boje, a u sredini se nalazi znak stranke. Odnos širine i dužine zastave je 1:2. (Čl. 8, Statut, 2014.)
Source: Statut Živi zid, 31.08.2014,, 10.03.2015.
The flag is white with the emblem in the centre. The emblem is a black and yellow rectangle inscribed with the party name, yellow and black. The use of flag is unconfirmed.
The party is established in 2011 as the Alliance for Changes (Savez za promjene, SP) and change the name in 2014 to the current one.
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