Page created: 1st October 2000
Last updated: 8th April 2020
The FAME is a site devoted to the systematic and scientific study of flags and coats of arms. Such symbols often bear strong political and other messages. Inclusion of those symbols here does not mean that the author supports or approves of the ideas they may stand for. |
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Map of the Požega and Slavonia County. |
Pozega and Slavonia County - Cities
Požeško-slavonska županija - gradovi
- Požega
- Kutjevo
- Lipik
- Pakrac
- Pleternica
Since 1993 the Croatian legislation allows the units of local self-government (counties, cities and communities) to have their coat of arms and flag, however these may be legally used only after they are approved by a central state authority. The a flag of a city or community should be of a one colour field with the coat of arms in the centre or offset towards hoist. Some exceptions from this rule are tolerated for the cities with traditional flag established before these rules were made. The coat of arms must follow also a set of rules to be approved. Some cities and communities use unapproved designs nevertheless. See more on the approval dates. Prior to 1993 the coats of arms and flag were not regulated by state legislation.
The official bazon (heraldic descripton) of the coats of arms and descriptions of the flags are according to the approval text of the central state authority, other description according to other city documents.
In 1997 the communities of Lipik, Pakrac and Pleternica were given city status. In the same time is the city of Našice removed to Osijek and Baranja County. In 2006 the community of Kutjevo was given city status.
Legal notice: The counties, cities and communities in the Republic of Croatia by their decision on adoption and use of the coats of arms and flags limit the use of these symbols only after obtaining an explicit written permission. However, most of the units of local government and self-government by the same decisions explicitly allow the free use of the symbols in the educational and scientific purposes and in the artistic creation, under condition that such use does not offend the dignity and honour of the local unit. The author of these pages considers that the depiction of the coats of arms and the flags here meets the conditions of free use in that sense.
See also:
Obverse |
Reverse |
Adopted: 9th September 1993 Approved: 28th October 1993 [H]
Approved blazon of arms: [Grb predstavlja barokni vijenac u dnu kojeg je tvrđa roza boje s tri istaknute kule od kojih srednja viša ima dva prozora pri vrhu, a pri dnu zatvorena vrata. Pobočne kule imaju pri vrhu jedan prozor. Prozori su otvoreni. Nad tvrđom je modro nebo. Na vrhu neba sja sunce bijele boje obrubljeno zlatnom bojom i zrakama zlatne boje. Ispod tvrđe je zemlja zelene boje. Nad desnom kulom je šesterokraka zvijezda srebrne boje, nad lijevom kulom je mladi mjesec, srebrne boje. Sa srednje kule polijeće u lijevo sokol zlatne boje.]*
Approved flag description: [Zastava grada je izrađena od modre svile, veličine 120×200 cm i obrubljena trakom zlatnih rojti. Svi heraldički i likovni elementi izrađeni su ručnim vezom i zlatovezom s primjenom tehnike slavonskog veza. Na licu zastave je grb grada s natpisom Požega, a na naličju stilizacijom likovnih elemenata predstavljena je zaštitnica Grada, sv. Terezija, kip presvetog Trojstva i kip Luke Ibrišimovića.]*
Descriptions of arms: (ut supra Čl. 9, Odluka, 1993.)
Scutum videlicet caeruleum, in quo substratis solidioribus ciementitii operis duclibus interstinctis muris exhibetur, castrum argenteum, tribus constans turribus primatis ejusdem metalli, fenestris appertis, et porta castri occlusa, supra mediam turrim, quae major et eminentior est, volat aquila nativi coloris, in sinistram partem scuti conversa, supra laterales porro turres demissiores (rutilante in capite scutario sole aureo) locatae visuntur, hinc sexcornis aurea stella, inde vero crescens luna argentea; scuto incubit corona vulgaris, ipsam demum scuti periferiam ambit epigraphe Sigillum Regiae Liberaeque Civitatis Poseganae Anno 1765. (Povelja kraljeice Marije Terezije gradu Požegi, 01.09.1765.)
Modrikasto polje, na kojem se diže s umetnutim zidovima tvrda od srebra s tri kule iste kovine s otvorenim prozorima i zatvorenim vratima tvrđe. Poviš srednje kule, koja je veća i viša, leti orao naravne boje okrenut na lijevu stranu polja. Nad pobočnim nižim kulama vidi se s jedne strane zlatna zvijezda sa šest trakova, a s druge strane srebrni mjesec mlađak. Na vrhu polja sja zlatno sunce. Na štitu je obična kruna, a napokon obod polja opasuje natpis Pečat kraljevskoga i slobodnoga grada Požege godine 1765. (Prijevod Kempf)
Description of flag: (ut supra Čl. 12, Odluka, 1993.)
Sources: Statut općine Slavonska Požega, Službeni vjesnik općine Slavonska Požega, br. 4/84.)
Odluka o privremenom ustrojstvu Grada Požege i načinu rada Gradskog vijeća i drugih tijela Grada, 15.04.1993, Službeno glasilo Grada Požege, br. 1/1993, 06.08.1993.
Odluka o grbu, zastavi i danu Grada Požege, 09.09.1993, Službeno glasilo Grada Požege, br. 2/1993, 10.09.1993.
(Statut Grada Požege, Službeno glasilo Grada Požege, br. 3/1993.)
Rješenje Ministarstva uprave, KLASA: UP/I-017-02/93-01/17, URBROJ: 515-04-03/1-93-2, 28.10.1993.
Statut Grada Požege (pročišćeni tekst), 01.06.1998, Službene novine Grada Požege, br. 5/1998, 03.06.1998.
Odluka o izmjeni Odluke o grbu, zastavi i Danu Grada Požege, 30.04.1999, Službene novine Grada Požege, br. 4/1999, 03.05.1999.
Statut Grada Požege, 11.10.2001, Službene novine Grada Požege, br. 7/2001, 12.10.2001.
(Statut Grada Požege (pročišćeni tekst), Službene novine Grada Požege, br. 19/2003. Izmjena Statuta, br. 22/2003.)
Odluka o izmjeni i dopuni Odluke o grbu, zastavi i danu Grada Požege, 26.09.2007, Službene novine Grada Požege, br. 15/2007, 27.09.2007.
Statut Grada Požege, 19.06.2009, Službene novine Grada Požege, br. 15/2009, 19.06.2009.
Odluka o izmjeni i dopuni Odluke o grbu, zastavi i danu Grada Požege, 10.09.2009, Službene novine Grada Požege, br. 18/2009, 11.09.2009.
Odluka o izmjeni i dopuni Odluke o grbu, zastavi i danu Grada Požege, 09.02.2010, Službene novine Grada Požege, br. 2/2010, 10.02.2010.
Statut Grada Požege, 08.02.2013, Službene novine Grada Požege, br. 3/2013, 15.02.2013.
Statut Grada Požege - pročišćeni tekst, 27.03.2018, Službene novine Grada Požege, br. 7/2018, 20.04.2018.
Julije Kempf, Požega - zemljopisne bilješke iz okoline i prilozi za povijest slob. i kr. grada Požege i Požeške županije, Požega, 1910., str. 341-342, 347-352, 381-382, 748-753.
Požega - turistički vodič, Turistička zajednica Grad Požega, 1996. Ime, grb, zastava i Dan grada, pp. 38-42.
Mirjana Šperanda: “Zastave povijesne zbirke Gradskog muzeja Požega”, Gradski muzej Požega, Požega, 2003.
The coat of arms of the city of Požega is in use at least since 1702, and is officially granted on 1st September 1765 by empress and queen Maria Theresia, when Požega acquired the status of the Free and Royal City (unfortunately, the original doucment was lost to fire in 1842). It consists of a blue shield in baroque ornamented border, with three towered city walls above those a golden falcon with spread wings, silver crescent and star, and a golden radiating sun. The same coat of arms was readopted in 1993, when the flag was adopted in form of a ceremonial flag.
The ceremonial flag of the city has on the obverse the embroiderid coat of arms above the inscription POŽEGA (which is apparently sometimes omitted) in the blue field and on the reverse three richly ornamented roundels containing images of Fra Luka Ibrišimović, the leader of uprising against the Turks and liberator of the city in 1688, Saint Teresa of Avila, patron of the city, and the column of the Holly Trinity, erected in the city centre in 1749, in memory of 798 citizens died in the plague of 1739 (when city had only two thousand inhabitants). While the original ceremonial flag is preserved in the city museum, its replicas, also produced by rich embroidering are used by the city authorities. Printed versions with minor variations in colours and details were also made. Flags with the coat of arms printed on both sides in the horizontal layout and the more usual 1:2 ratio were also noted in use.
Between 1929 and 1991 the name of the city was Slavonska Požega.
* Note: the official blazon in the Ministry approval was simply copied from city decisions; the approval was granted prior to the establishment of the Coats of Arms and Flags Approval Commission, and unlike the subsequent approvals, it does not contain the heraldic blazon written by an expert.
Slavonska Požega, 1977 – 1991
Adopted: late 1974
Design: Prof. Frano Paro, academic painter and grapical artist from Zagreb
Abandoned: 1991
Sources: Statut općine Slavonska Požega, Službeni vjesnik općine Slavonska Požega, br. 4/84.)
Mirjana Šperanda: “Zastave povijesne zbirke Gradskog muzeja Požega”, Gradski muzej Požega, Požega, 2003.
In the preparation for the celebration of the 750 anniversary of Požega city the new flag was adopted in 1974. It was produced in a specialized workshop of the Order of the Sisters of Mercy in Zagreb, and the design is vaguely reminiscent to the Požega voluntary fire-fighting society from 1875. The blue silk flag is fringed with gold. On the obverse is the coat of arms of the city, with the red five-pointed star incorporated in the ornament and the name of the city below. The reverse is ornament of the corn and vine elements with the years of the anniversary encircled with rays formed by the flowers representing symbolically surrounding villages. The inscriptions name the Požega Valley in Latin and Croatian: Vallis Aurea - Požeška kotlina. Since the end of 1977 the flag is preserved in the Požega museum.
Požega, ca. 1800
In use: since ca. 1800
Abandoned: 1930
Sources: Mirjana Šperanda: “Zastave povijesne zbirke Gradskog muzeja Požega”, Gradski muzej Požega, Požega, 2003. : 4 – 5.
Šperanda, Mirjana: "Restauracija zbirke zastava i odora u Povijesnom odjelu Gradskog muzeja Požega", Vjesnik Gradskog muzeja Požega, 6 (2009) : 20 – 25.
The flag of the civic infantry company (Phalanga civica, Militia civica) is red rectangular silk flag semée with golden embroideried mullets of five and crescents, with a golden edged rectangular painted panel off-set to hoist. The panel depicts the city arms surrounded with pink curtains on the obverse, and patrons of the city, St. Roch and St. Florian. The entire flag is edged on all four edges with golden fringe. The infantry company had originally general order and security functions, but by the end of the 19th century it was already merely ceremonial, while the flag it used obtained the function of a proper city flag.
The flag was used well into the 20th century and eventually in 1930 delivered in a bad shape to the city museum, where it was restored in 2007.
Adopted: 19th June 1998 Approved: 7th September 1998
Design: Heraldic Art d.o.o. Rijeka
Approved blazon of arms: U plavome srebrni/bijeli dvorac sa crvenim krovovima iznad zlatnoga/žutoga grozda s dva lista.
Approved flag description: Zastava omjera 1:2 plave boje sa žuto obrubljenim grbom općine u sredini.
Descriptions of arms: Grb Općine predstavlja osnovnu prepoznatljivost povijesnih, kulturnih i gospodarskih znamenitosti kutjevačkog kraja. U trokutastom štitu, na plavom polju gore je srebreno/bijeli kutjevački dvorac sa crvenim krovovima, a dolje zlatno/žuti grozd s dva lista vinove loze. (Čl. 9, Odluka, 1998.)
Grb Grada Kutjeva je trokutasti štit plave boje u kojem je gore srebrni/bijeli kutjevački dvorac sa crvenim krovovima, a dolje zlatno/žuti grozd s dva lista vinove loze. (Čl. 5, Statut, 2009.)
Descriptions of flag: Zastava Općine je jednobojna tamno plave boje, dimenzija omjera dužine i širine 2:1, u skladu sa Zakonom. U sredini zastave, na sjecištu dijagonala nalazi se grb Općine, obostrano, obrubljen zlatnom trakom. (Čl. 12, Odluka, 1998.)
Zastava Grada Kutjeva je jednobojne tamno plave boje. U sredini zastave, na sjecištu dijagonala nalazi se grb Grada, obostrano. Omjer širine i dužine zastave je 1:2. Svečana zastava Grada je zastava Grada Kutjeva obrubljena zlatnim/žutim resama. (Čl. 6, Statut, 2009.)
Sources: Odluka o grbu, zastavi i danu Općine Kutjevo, 19.06.1998, Službeni glasnik Općine Kutjevo, ?/1998.
Rješenje Ministarstva uprave, KLASA: UP/I-017-02/98-01/29, URBROJ: 515-04-03/1-98-2, 07.09.1998.
Statut Grada Kutjeva, 13.07.2009, Službeni glasnik Grada Kutjeva, br. 4/2009, 15.07.2009.
Požeško-slavonska županija 17.10.2005
Photo at 12.07.2006.
Photo at 28.03.2012.
The coat of arms of Kutjevo is azure a castle argent roofed gules with an octagonal tower above the gates and a belfry in dexter and in the base a buch of grapes slipped with two leaves or. The castle is the Jesuit castle built in Kutjevo after the liberation from the Turks in 1700 on the ruins of the former Cistercit monastery. The bunch of grapes refers to the famous Kutjevo cellars and the vine production. The flag is dark blue with the coat of arms bordered yellow in the centre of it. The ceremonial flag is of the same design bordered with golden fringe.
The table flag is a blue vertical triangularly ending flag outlined yellow, with the coat of arms in the centre, the name of the city in two arches above and branches of vine and oak in the base.
Until 2006 Kutjevo had status of a community.
Adopted: 10th March 1997 Approved: 10th June 1997
Design: Heraldic Art d.o.o. Rijeka
Approved blazon of arms: Na zelenome nad bijelom konjskom glavom srebrni/bijeli Cursalon.
Approved flag description: Zastava omjera 1:2 bijele boje sa žuto obrubljenim grbom grada u sredini.
Descriptions of arms: Na trokutastom - srcolikom štitu u zelenom polju u glavi srebrni Cursalon, dolje srebrna konjska glava udesno. (Čl. 5, Odluka, 1997.)
Grb Grada je trokutasti-srcoliki štit u zelenom polju u glavi srebrni Cursalon, dolje srebrna konjska glava udesno. (Čl. 6, Statut, 2009.)
Descriptions of flag: Zastava je jednobojna, bijele boje, dimenzija omjera dužine i širine 2:1. U sredini zastave na sjecištu dijagonala nalazi se grb Grada. Visina grba je 2/3 širine zastave. Vanjski rub grba prema bijelom polju ukrašen zlatnim-žutim rubom. (Čl. 7, Odluka, 1997.)
Zastava Grada je jednobojna, bijele boje, dimenzija omjera i dužine 2:1. U sredini zastave na sjecištu dijagonala nalazi se grb Grada. Visina grba je 2/3 širine zastave. Vanjski rub grba prema bijelom polju ukrašen zlatno-žutim rubom. (Čl. 7, Statut, 2009.)
Sources: Zaključak Općinskog vijeća Lipik, 13.11.1996.
Odluka o grbu i zastavi grada Lipika, 10.03.1997.
Rješenje Ministarstva uprave, KLASA: UP/I-017-02/97-01/12, URBROJ: 515-04-03/1-97-1, 10.06.1997.
Statut Grada Lipika, 07.09.2001, Službeni glasnik Grada Lipika, br. 4/2001, 07.09.2001.
Statut Grada Lipika, 25.07.2005, Službeni glasnik Grada Lipika, br. 5/2005, 28.07.2005.
Pravilnik o kriterijima uporabe grba i zastave Grada Lipika, 29.04.2008, Službebni glasnik Grada Lipika, br. 2/2008, 29.04.2008.
Statut Grada Lipika, 09.07.2009, Službeni glasnik Grada Lipika, br. 3/2009, 14.07.2009.
Grad Lipik,, 10.11.2009.
Lipik pages, October 2000.
"Grad Lipik i LIRA počinju s provedbom EU projekta za lokalne poduzetnike i obrtnike" (M.B.), 22.09.2015, Pož - totalno neovisan istraživački portal,
"Upoznajte se više s Lipik Challengerom na BBR-u", 15.06.2015, Compas,
Željko Gašparović: "Završio veliki Challenger – Al Wahda Novi Sad pobjednik jakog turnira u Lipiku", 10.07.2016, Novska.IN - Nezavisni portal grada Novske,
Dinko Kliček: "Iza kulise streetballa - Ivan Pušćenik: Ovo je vrh, a bit će još bolje…", Pakrački list, 18.07.2016,
The coat of arms of Lipik is Vert the Kursalon building above the horse head Argent. The Kursalon, a neo-renaissance building from 1893, is the most representative building of Lipik spa resorts, which are renown for medical value. Lipik is famous also for the horses (Lipicaner), whose head is the other element of the arms. The flag is white with the coat of arms bordered yellow in its centre. While a usual ceremonial flag is not recorded, a horizontal flag with ornamented coat of arms is occasionally used, with linden (Cro. lipa; Lipik meaning linden grove) branches and a yellow green lined ribbon inscribed black with the city name beneath. Also several variations of the table flag are in use, one with the coat of arms in the centre with the green name of the city above in two arches and two linden branches beneath. Variations include the same flag without the word "Grad" above (probably made prior to 1997) and a flag with the arms above the name in two lines beneath.
Until 1997 Lipik had status of a community.
Lipik, ca. 1995
Flag unknown. |
Adopted: around 1995 ?
Abandoned: 10th March 1997
Source: Zaključak Općinskog vijeća Lipik, 13.11.1996.
Prior to adoption of the current symbols, the coat of arms of Lipik was used in form of a shield per fess chief Cursalon base per pale dexter a horse salient and sinister water sprining from a fountain basin supported by two horse heads looking ourwards.
Adopted: flag: 1996 ?, coat of arms: 19.03.1996. Approved: 25th June 2001 (H)
Approved blazon of arms: U plavome između dviju srebrnih/bijelih valovitih greda kuna u trku.
Approved flag description: Zastava omjera 1:2 plave boje sa žuto obrubljenim grbom Grada u sredini.
Descriptions of arms: Grb Grada sadrži temeljnu osnovu povijesnog grba Pakraca, na osnovu pisanog akta Hrvatskog državnog arhiva Klasa: 017-02/95-01/41, Urbr.: 565-03-95-2, od 3. ožujka 1995. godine u komu se kazuje da je grb Grada Pakraca povijesni grb iz 1932. godine u zbirci otisaka Hrvatskog državnog arhiva br.
881/13. Opis: u plavome, između dvije srebrne/bijele valovite grede kuna u trku (heraldički na desno) naravnih boja; smeđa s bijelim trbuhom. (Čl. 8, Odluka, 2001; Čl. 8, Statut, 2006; Čl. 5, Statut, 2009.)
Grb Grada sadrži temeljnu osnovu povijesnog grba Pakraca iz 1932. g., što je utvrđeno aktom Hrvatskog državnog arhiva (KLASA: 017-02/95-01/41, URBROJ: 565-03-95-2) od 3. ožujka 1995. g. Grb Grada je u obliku štita, na plavoj podlozi, između dvije valovite srebrne/bijele grede, nalazi se kuna u trku (heraldicki na desno). (Čl. 6, Odluka, 2009.)
Descriptions of flag: Zastava Grada je plave boje. Omjer širine i dužine je 1:2. U sredini zastave Grada smješten je grb Grada s obje strane, obrubljen žutim. (Čl. 11, Odluka, 2001.)
Zastava Grada je plave boje. U sredini zastave Grada smješten je grb Grada s obje strane, obrubljen žutim. (Čl. 9, Statut, 2006; Čl. 6, Statut, 2009.)
Zastava Grada je plave boje, sa grbom Grada obrubljenim žutom bojom, smještenim u sredini zastave. Omjer širine i duţine zastave je 1:2. (Čl. 7, Odluka, 2009.)
Sources: Odluka o grbu i zastavi općine Pakrac, 19.03.1996, Službeni glasnik općine Pakrac, br. 3/1996.
(Odluka o izmjenama i dopunama Odluke o grbu i zastavi općine Pakrac, Službeni glasnik ?/1996?) quoted in: Grad Pakrac web site,, 24.03.2003.
Odluka o grbu i zastavi Grada Pakraca - pročišćeni tekst, 13.09.2001, Službeni glasnik grada Pakraca, br. 7/2001.
Rješenje Ministarstva pravosuđa, uprave i lokalne samouprave, KLASA: UP/I-017-01/01-01/84, URBROJ: 514-09-01-01-2, 25.06.2001.
Statut Grada Pakraca (pročišćeni tekst), 22.02.2006, Službeni glasnik grada Pakraca, br. 1/2006, 01.03.2006.
Rješenje o uporabi Grba Grada Pakraca, Službeni glasnik grada Pakraca, br 1/2006, 01.03.2006.
Statut Grada Pakraca, 08.07.2009, Službeni glasnik grada Pakraca, br. 4/2009, 09.07.2009.
Odluka o grbu i zastavi Grada Pakraca, 16.12.2009, Službeni glasnik grada Pakraca, br. 7/2009, 17.12.2009.
Correspondence with the City, 01.04.2014.
Emilij Laszowski: "Stari grbovi zemalja Nezavisne Države Hrvatske", Vjesnik Hrvatskoga arheološkoga društva, nova serija 22-23, 1942-1943, 207-221.
The coat of arms of Pakrac is azure between two bars wavy argent a marten passant proper (maroon bellied argent). The coat of arms is obviously based on the historical coat of arms of Slavonia, and was used as the city seal since 1837 (while other sources claim that it was granted as arms in 1932, but it may not be contradictory). The flag is blue with the yellow bordered coat of arms in the centre. Table flag are vertical with the coat of arms offset to the top and the city name inscribed in a line below.
Until 1997 Pakrac had status of a community.
Pakrac, 1996
Adopted: 19th March 1996 Approved: No, design withdrawn or never used.
Description of arms: Grb Općine sadrži temeljnu osnovu povijesnog grba Grada Pakraca iz 18. stoljeća, oslikan na stropu kapelice Majke Božje Snježne 1925. godine, a izgledom je da na modroj podlozi izmedu dvije valovite rijeke bježi na desno kuna. (Čl. 8, Odluka, 1996.)
Description of flag: Zastava Općine je svjetlo sive boje. Omjer širine i dužine je 1:2. U sredini zastave Općine smješten je grb Općine. (Čl. 11, Odluka, 1996.)
Abandoned: 1996 ?
Sources: Odluka o grbu i zastavi općine Pakrac, 19.03.1996, Službeni glasnik općine Pakrac, br. 3/1996.
(Odluka o izmjenama i dopunama Odluke o grbu i zastavi općine Pakrac, Službeni glasnik ?/1996?) quoted in: Grad Pakrac web site,, 24.03.2003.
The first decision on the symbols already prescribes the current coat of arms (although dating it to the 18th century and mentions a 1925 chapel, probably refering to the 1932 chapel of the Mother of God of Sljeme above Zagreb). The flag is, however, prescribed as light grey with the coat of arms in the centre. The decision was soon changed (at yet undetermined date) to include reference to the Croatian State Archives document, dating the arms correctly to 1932. The flag description was also changed at the same time, to conform with the state regulations.
Adopted: around 2003 ? Approved: Unknown.
Sources: Požeško-slavonska županija 17.10.2005
Projekt "Cvjetna budućnost", Grad Pleternica i Hrvatsko žensko društvo Pleternica, letak, 2010.
(Statut Grada Pleternice, Službeno glasilo Grada Pleternice, br. 5/2001.)
Statut Grada Pleternice, 19.06.2009, Službeno glasilo Grada Pleternica, br. ?/2009,, 20.12.2013.
The coat of arms of Pleternica is vert an oxen head afrontee or langued gules and ringed sable and in the base two bars argent. The flag is green with the coat of arms in its centre.
Until 1997 Pleternica had status of a community.
Copyright © 1996-2020 by Zeljko Heimer. All rights reserved.