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Page created: 15th May 2015
Last updated: 31st December 2016
[The FAME - Flag and Arms of the Modern Era]
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The FAME is a site devoted to the systematic and scientific study of flags and coats of arms. Such symbols often bear strong political and other messages. Inclusion of those symbols here does not mean that the author supports or approves of the ideas they may stand for.
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University of Split - Constituent Units

The University of Split was established in 1974 unifying various institutions of higher education existing in Split since 1960's. It is today composed of 11 faculties, an academy and a number of other institutions.

See also:

Faculty of Economics

Ekonomski fakultet

[Faculty of Economics]
[Faculty of Economics]
[Reconstruction] 1:2

Adopted: ?
Description of arms/emblem: Znak Fakulteta je u obliku stiliziranih slova "EF" plave boje, po čijoj sredini, umjesto crtica, su tri vala u svjetlo crvenoj, bijeloj i svijetlo plavoj boji. Pri dnu je oznaka sjedišta "Split". (Čl. 12, Statut, 2012.)
Description of flag: Zastava Fakulteta je bijele boje, odnosa dužine i širine 2 prema 1, s ucrtanim grbom Sveučilišta u gornjem desnom uglu te u donjem lijevom uglu sa znakom Fakulteta, iznad kojega je napisan skraćeni naziv Fakulteta. (Čl. 12, Statut, 2012.)
Source: Statut Ekonomskog fakulteta u Splitu, 27.06.2012, www.efst.unist.hr, 20.05.2015.

The flag is prescribed withe with the University emblem in the top right and the Faculty emblem in the bottom left, with the Faculty short name above the latter. The Faculty emblem is composed of stylized blue letters EF whose central horizontal strikes are made in shape of three waves, light red, white and light blue one, and the city name in the bottom right.

The Faculty of Economy Sciences (Fakultet ekonomskih nauka) in Zagreb established a Department in Split in 1971, and in 1973 it was joined with similar Department in Dubrovnik into the Maritime, Tourist and Coastal Economy Institute (Institut za pomorsku, turističku i obalnu privredu). The Faculty of Economy Sciences has since four components: the Faculty of Economy in Zagreb (Ekonomski fakultet u Zagrebu), the Faculty of Organization and Financial Sciences in Split (Fakultet organizacijskih i financijskih nauka u Splitu), the Faculty for Tourism and Foreign Trade in Dubrovnik (Fakultet za turizam i vanjsku trgovinu u Dubrovniku) and the Institute. The Faculty and the Institute in Split joined in 1974 into the Faculty of Economics Split (Ekonomski fakultet Split), becoming the part of the University established that year. In 1978 the Faculty was joined by the School of Economy (Viša ekonomska škola u Splitu) and the Faculty for Tourism and Foreign Trade in Dubrovnik. Since 2005 it bears the current name.

Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture

Fakultet elektrotehnike, strojarstva i brodogradnje

[Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture]
[Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture]
[Reconstruction] 1:2

Adopted: ?
Source: Statut Fakulteta elektrotehnike, strojarstva i brodogradnje u Splitu, 03.12.2014, www.fesb.hr, 20.05.2015.

The Statutes do not prescribe any symbols, however, a logo of the stylized Faculty initials composed of triple lines is used in various colour schemes. The flag in use is a white vertical flag with the gray University emblem in the centre and the blue Faculty logo and name above and below (based on photos with partially visible elements!).

The Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Split (Elektrotehnički fakultetu u Splitu ) was established in 1960, and at the same time also the Centre for Extraordinary Mechanical Engineering Studies (Centar za izvanredni studij strojarstva). These were united in 1971 into the Faculty under the current name, that became a component of the University of Split in 1974.

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Filozofski fakultet

[Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences] [Normal] 1:2 [Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences]
Adopted: 2005 ?
Description of arms/emblem: […] simbol Fakulteta kojeg karakterizira obris broda s rubnim natpisom na hrvatskom jeziku i latiničnom pismu u gornjem dijelu: "Sveučilište u Splitu - Filozofski fakultet". (Čl. 1.7, Statut, 2014.)
Description of flag: Zastava Fakulteta je bijele boje s ucrtanim simbolom Fakulteta smještenim u sredini zastave. Omjer širine i dužine zastave je 1:2. Središnja točka simbola poklapa se s točkom u kojoj se sijeku dijagonale zastave. (Čl. 1.7, Statut, 2014.)
Source: Statut Sveučilište u Splitu Filozofski fakultet (potpuni tekst), 18.03.2014, www.ffst.unist.hr, 20.05.2015.

The emblem depicts a stylized ship with a chequered sail cruciform encircled with a circular inscription of the University and the Faculty name. The flag is white with the blue emblem in the centre.

The School of Pedagogy in Split (Viša pedagoška škola u Splitu) was established in 1945, afterwards as the Pedagogy Academy (Pedagoška akademija), which, together with a few other institutions of higher education established the University of Split in 1974. Since 1978 until 1990 the humanities and social studies were taught at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zadar of the University of Split, and since 1990 at the Faculty of Natural and Mathematic Sciences and Educational Areas of the University of Split. The studies were moved to the Teacher School of the University of Split in 1998, and in 2001 the Department of Humanities was established. The School and a Department were joined in 2005 into the present day Faculty.

Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy

Fakultet građevinarstva, arhitekture i geodezije

Flag unknown. [Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy]
Adopted: 2014 ?
Source: Statut Fakulteta građevinarstva, arhitekture i geodezije (potpuni tekst), 29.10.2014, gradst.unist.hr, 20.05.2015.

The emblem depicts highly stylized initials FGAG.

The Department in Split of the Faculty of Civil Engineering of Zagreb (Odjel Građevinskog fakulteta Zagreb u Splitu) was established in 1971, and with the integration of the Department and a division of the IGH Civil Engineering Institute of Croatia the Faculty of Civil Engineering Sciences (Fakultet građevinskih znanosti) was established in 1977. Since 1991 the Faculty of Civil Engineering (Građevinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu), since 2003 Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture (Građevinsko-arhitektonski fakultet u Splitu) and finally since 2011 under the present name.

Faculty of Catholic Theology

Katolički bogoslovni fakultet - Facultas theologiae catholicae

Flag unknown. [Faculty of Catholic Theology]
Adopted: 1999 ?
Description of arms/emblem: Grb je okrugla oblika. Uz gornji rub je natpis “Sveučilište u Splitu”, a uz donji rub natpis “Katolički bogoslovni fakultet - Split”. U sredini je kvadratna kocka [sic!] iz koje se uzdiže zvonik Svetoga Duje i jedna polukocka, te u gornjem dijelu s lijeve strane zvonika otvorena knjiga na kojoj su glagoljskim slovima upisani prvo i zadnje slovo grčkog alfabeta Α i Ω. (Čl. 2, Statut, 1999.)
Source: Statut Katoličkog bogoslovnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Splitu, 09.07.1999,www.kbf.unist.hr, 20.05.2015.

The emblem is in circular seal shape, with the University name above and the Faculty name below, between two concentric circles and in the centre stylized part of the chequy field (two red squares issuaint from the base) from the one raising the stylization of the belfry of the Cathedral of St. Dominus and an opened book inscribed with Glagolitic letters Azu (Ⰰ) and Otu (Ⱉ), as equivalents to the first and last letters of the Greek Alphabet Α and Ω.

The Split Cathedral School started in early Middle Age, certainly prior to 12th century, and it was well documented since the end of the 16th century. Since the early 18th century until 1821 it acts as the study of philosophy and theology at the Archdiocesan Seminary. The Theology School was opened in Zadar in 1826, subsequently moved to Split and worked until 1922. Since 1972 named Theology in Split, it was affiliated to the Faculty of Catholic Theology in Zagreb. Since 1970, within it was established the Institute for Theological Culture of Laity, since 1991. the Theological-Catechetic Institute. The Franciscan Theology in Makarska follow the tradition of the Franciscan monasteries schools since 13th century. The philosophy school in Šibenik was established at least in 1699, and in Makarska in 1708. These were united in 1828. Since 1926 it is called the Franciscan Theology School (Franjevačka visoka bogoslovija) in Makarska, that was granted a faculty status in 1940. Since 1995 the Theology of Split and the Franciscan Theology in Makarska are subsidiaries of the Faculty of Catholic Theology in Zagreb, and they were united in 1997 in the current Faculty, which is part of the University of Split since 1999.

Faculty of Chemistry and Technology

Kemijsko-tehnološki fakultet

Description of arms/emblem: Fakultet ima svoj znak koji izgleda ovako: okruglog oblika s crtežom skulpture Ivana Meštrovića "Povijest Hrvata" u sredini, a uz obod natpis "Sveučilište u Splitu". (Čl. 13, Statut, 2015.)
Source: Statut Kemijsko-tehnološkog fakulteta u Splitu (potpuni tekst), 06.03.2015, www.ktf.unist.hr, 20.05.2015.

The Faculty prescribes its emblem to be equivalent to the University emblem.

Faculty of Chemistry and Technology in Split was established in 1960.

Faculty of Kinesiology

Kineziološki fakultet

[Faculty of Kinesiology]
[Faculty of Kinesiology]
[Vertical] 2:3~

Adopted: 2008 ?
Description of arms/emblem: Znak Fakulteta okruglog je oblika. U sredini se nalaze stilizirana slova "KF", a uz rub natpis: "Sveučilište u Splitu, Kineziološki fakultet". (Čl. 7, statut, 2015.)
Sources: Statut Kineziološki [sic!] fakulteta u Splitu (Pročišćeni tekst), 12.02.2015, www.kifst.unist.hr, 20.05.2015.
"Svečana promocija Kineziološkog fakulteta", 19.05.2016, Sveuličište u Splitu, www.unist.hr, 23.10.2016.

The emblem consists of the stylized initials KF surrounded with the Faculty name. The flag in use depicts that emblem blue in a white field.

The phisical education studies started in Split in 1954 within the High School of Pedagogy, and then the Faculty of Philosophy and the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Educational Fields. The Faculty itself was established in 2008.

School of Medicine

Medicinski fakultet - Facultas Medica

[School of Medicine] [School of Medicine]
[School of Medicine]
[Vertical] 1:2

Adopted: 1997 ?
Descriptions of arms/emblem: Znak Fakulteta predstavlja slovo M koje je multiplicirano višeslojno s ljudskom siluetom koja simbolizira pojam humanosti suvremene medicinske znanosti. Višeslojnost cijelog projekta je i preslik višeslojnosti medicinskih grana i specijalnosti koje studenti i njihovi profesori obučavaju, istražuju i primjenjuju u nastavi i radu fakulteta. Slovo M je simetrično i jednako čitko s prednje i stražnje strane ili u prostoru kao 3D objekt. Također slovo M je u ukupnoj slici kvadrat, jedinica hrvatskog vizualnog identiteta. Grb Fakulteta predstavlja stilizirani tradicionalni hrvatski pleter (najstarij i poznati ornament s pleterom Eufrazijeva bazilika u Poreču) sa slovom M u sredini i figurom čovjeka. Logotip je izveden u grafičkoj formi kao MEDICINSKIFAKULTETSPLIT, s raznobojnim riječima koje se dodiruju i čine jednu liniju teksta. Osnovne boje su: crvena, žuta i plava koje svojim preplitanjem proširuju spektar na narančastu i zelenu. Boje se prepliću kao organi i funkcije u ljudskom tijelu. (Čl. 9, Statut, 2011.)
[...] Fakultet koristi okrugle pečate dimenzija 38 mm s grbom Fakulteta koji čini stilizirani tradicionalni hrvatski pleter sa slovom M u sredini i figurom čovjeka, te kružno upisanim punim nazivom Fakulteta na hrvatskom i latinskom jeziku. Uz gornji je rub tekst Sveučilište u Splitu, a uz donji rub tekst Medicinski fakultet. Latinski tekst glasi: Universitas Studiorum Spalatensis - Facultas Medica. (Čl. 8, Statut, 2011.)

Description of flag: Fakultet ima zastavu plave boje, istovjetne plavoj boji hrvatske zastave. Odnos dužine i širine zastave je 2:1. U središtu vodoravno položene zastave, čija je širina uz koplje, grb je Fakulteta. Promjer znaka na zastavi je 1/2 širine zastave. (Čl. 9, Statut, 2011.)
Sources: Statut Medicinskog fakulteta u Splitu (potpuni tekst), 20.04.2011, www.mefst.unist.hr, 20.05.2015.
"Otvorena nova zgrada Medicinskog fakulteta u Splitu", 14.09.2012, Grad Split, www.split.hr
Linda Perić: "Nevenka Bečić na otvaranju nove zgrade splitske Medicine", 14.09.2012, www.slobodnadalmacija.hr
Dijana Barbarić: "Medicinski fakultet u Splitu proslavio 17. rođendan, doznajte tko su najbolji studenti i profesori", 26.03.2014, www.slobodnadalmacija.hr

The Faculty emblem is a stylized multicoloured letter M with a human figure in it, while the "coat of arms" includes that emblem in the centre of a square shaped triple wattle ornament. Although the flag is prescribed to be blue with that "coat of arms" in the centre, the flags in use actually depict the seal - which, besides that coat of arms, includes within a circle also inscribed names of the University and the Faculty. Although the seal may also be used in Latin, the flags recorded in use so far are only vertical flags with the seal inscribed in Croatian.

The first school of medicine was established during the French rule in Trogir in 1806 as the St. Lasarus School, that soon was merged into the Zadar University, but it was closed in 1811, and was succeeded only with a Midwives School in Zadar, opened in 1820. The School of Medicine was established by a decree in 1944, but due to the war, it never begun teaching. In 1963 a postgraduate course was established and eventually in 1974 the School of Medicine of the University of Zagreb established its courses in Split, in the full range in 1979. The independent School of Medicine within the University of Split was eventually established in 1997.

Faculty of Maritime Studies

Pomorski fakultet

[Faculty of Maritime Studies] [Normal] 1:2 [Faculty of Maritime Studies]
Adopted: ?
Description of arms/emblem: Znak (logo) Fakulteta je okruglog oblika, u sredini kojeg je stilizirani jedrenjak. Logo je obrubljen sa dva koncentrična kruga unutar kojih je natpis: Sveučilište u Splitu Pomorski fakultet. (Čl. 2, Odluka, 2014.)
Description of flag: Zastava Fakulteta je indigo plave boje. Odnos dužine i širine je 2: l. U središtu vodoravno položene zastave je logo Fakulteta. Promjer loga na zastavi je pola širine zastave. (Čl. 2, Odluka, 2014.)
Sources: Statut Pomorskog fakulteta u Splitu (pročišćeni tekst), 22.12.2010, www.pfst.hr, 20.05.2015.
Odluka o izmjenama i dopunama Statuta Pomorskog fakulteta u Splitu, 27.05.2014, www.pfst.hr, 20.05.2015.
"Svečane promocije Pomorskog fakulteta", 12.05.2015, Sveuličište u Splitu, www.unist.hr, 23.10.2016.

The emblem is in a circular seal shape with the University and the Faculty names inscribed between two concentric circles, and a stylized sailing ship in the centre. The flag is indigo blue with the white emblem in the centre. The flags in use display the emblem larger (ca. 2/3) the prescribed half the hoist.

The Maritime School (Viša pomorska škola) was established in Split in 1959.

Faculty of Law

Pravni fakultet - Facultas iuridica

[Faculty of Law]
[Faculty of Law]
[Vertical] 1:2~

Adopted: ?
Source: Statut Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Splitu, 28.02.2005, www.pravst.hr, 20.05.2015.
Statut Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Splitu (pročišćerni tekst), 18.09.2014, www.pravst.hr, 25.10.2015.

The emblem used by the Faculty is in shape of a circular seal with inscription between the concentric double circles of the Faculty name in Latin above and in Croatian below, between the years 1960 and 2001 and two immortelle flowers, and in the centre a shield shape divided per fess the chief per pale, the first coat of arms of Split (rectangular within countercompony border a palace with belfry between inesutscheon of Croatia (chequy gules and argent) and of the patron Saitn Dominus (gules a bishop stantant dexter raised in blessing and in sinister holding a crozier)), the second emblem of the University, figure of History of Croats above the year 1960 encircled with the Latin inscription of the University and the Faculty names, and the third in blue initials PFS white, the shield topped with the inscription of the University name in Croatian. The emblem is in use in several minor variants (differing in colouring of the Split arms, sculpture details, omission of the years etc.)
The flag in use is a vertical blue flag with double tressure with corner square loops inscribed along the top with the University and the Faculty name in two rows and the Faculty emblem offset towards the top. Drawing reconstructed from partially visible flag on photos!

The studies of law started in Split in 1960 as a detached branch of the Faculty of Law in Zagreb, and the Faculty in Split was established already in 1961.

Academy of Arts

Umjetnička akademija

[Academy of Arts]
[Academy of Arts]
[Vertical] [Historical] 1:2~

Adopted: ?
Sources: Statut Umjetničke akademije u Splitu, 16.10.2013, www.umas.unist.hr, 20.05.2015.
"Svečana promocija 104 studenta Umjetničke akademije", 27.02.2015, Dalmatinski portal, dalmatinskiportal.hr, 25.10.2016.

The Academy has no emblems prescribed in the statutes, but uses a stylized letter A with a red (or purple) dot in the centre. The emblem is also used in a circular seal inscribed with the University and the Academy name within the circle.
The flag is white vertical flag with the emblem issuing from the flank, beneath it in four rows the Academy and the University name and the University emblem in the base. Overall eight thin golden vertical stripes.

Established in 1997.

University Department of Marine Studies

Sveučilišni odjel za studije mora

Flag unknown. [University Department of Marine Studies] [University Department of Marine Studies]
Adopted: 2011 ?
Description of arms/emblem: Odjel ima svoj znak, koji je okruglog oblika s crtežom riblje kosti, koja simbolizira brodski trup i morske valove, a uz obod natpis: Sveučilište u Splitu, Sveučilišni odjel za studije mora. (Čl. 7, Pravilnik, 2013.)
Sources: Pravilnik o radu i organizaciji Sveučilišnog odjela za studije mora, 25.01.2013, more.unist.hr, 20.05.2015.
Strategija razvoja Sveučilišnog odjela za studije mora za razdoblje 2013. - 2017., Sveučilište u Splitu, Sveučilišni odjel za studije mora, Split, travanj, 2013. more.unist.hr, 20.05.2015.

The emblem consists of a circular seal shape with the light blue stylized fish bones, symbolizing a bow of a ship and waves, encircled with the black incribed Department name. Prior to 2011 the previous name was used within a black circle.

The Department for Maritime Fishing Technology (Odjel pomorsko ribarske tehnologije) was established in Split in 1991 as part of the Faculty of Maritime Studies in Dubrovnik (Pomorski fakultet Dubrovnik, Studij u Splitu), and it was merged into the 1998 established Department for Maritime Studies of the University of Split (Odjelu za pomorstvo Sveučilišta u Splitu), that was renamed in the same year the Department for Marine and Maritime Studies (Odjel za studij mora i pomorstva Sveučilišta u Splitu). When a part of it formed the core of the newly established Faculty of Maritime Studies in 2003, the name was changed to Department of Marine Studies (Odjel za studij mora), since 2006 the University Study Centre for Marine Studies (Sveučilišni studijski centar za studije mora) and since 2011 under the current name.

University Department of Professional Studies

Sveučilišni odjel za stručne studije

[University Department of Professional Studies]
[University Department of Professional Studies]
[Vertical] 1:2~

Adopted: 2011 ?
Description of arms/emblem: Znak Odjela su četiri kvadrata jednake veličine u dva reda. U prvom modrom kvadratu gornjeg reda nalazi se znak Sveučilišta u Splitu, a u drugom modrom kvadratu drugog reda nalazi se crtež okruglog oblika katedrale sv. Duje u središtu i natpisom "Sveučilište u Spitu" uz gotnji, te natpisom ,,Podružnica - Sveučilišni odjel za stručne studije" uz donji dio oboda. Drugi kvadrat prvog reda i prvi kvadrat drugog reda srebrene su ili sive boje. (Čl. 5, Pravilnik, 2012.)
Source: Pravilnik o radu (temeljni akt) Sveučilišnog odjela za stručne studije, Senat Sveučilišta u Splitu, 27.09.2012. www.oss.unist.hr, 20.05.2015.

The emblem consists of four squares in two rows, the first and fourth blue, the second and third grey, the first includes the University emblem, and the last a circular emblem depicting the St. Dominus belfry over the globe grid encircled with the Department name. The table flag recorded in use with the previous department name is vertical with the emblem in the centre with a thin white inner border broken in the top and bottom centre with two circles, inscribed with the Department name above and the University name below.

University Department of Forensic Sciences

Sveučilišni odjel za forenzične znanosti

Flag unknown. [Under Construction] [University Department of Forensic Sciences]
Adopted: 2011 ?
Description of arms/emblem: Odjel ima svoj znak, koji je kvadratnog oblika i sastavljen je od četiri manja kvadrata. Gornji lijevi i donji desni kvadrati su bijele boje s natpisima Sveučilište u Splitu, odnosno, Sveučilišni odjel za forenzične znanosti. Donji lijevi kvadrat predstavlja DNA - dvostruku uzvojnicu plave boje, dok gornji desni kvadrat predstavlja otisak prsta crvene boje. (Čl. 7, Pravilnik, 2015.)
Source: Pravilnik o organizaciji i radu Sveučilišnog odjela za forenzične znanosti (pročišćeni tekst), Senat Sveučilišta u Splitu, 19.03.2015. forenzika.unist.hr, 20.05.2015.

The emblem is in shape of a quartered square, in the first and fourth field in white black inscription of the University i.e. Department name, in the second in white red fingerprint and in the third in blue a double helix of DNA in bend sinistre.

The University Study Centre for Forensic Sciences (Sveučilišni studijski centar za forenzičke znanosti) was established in 2009, and since 2011 has the current name.

University Department of Health Studies

Sveučilišni odjel zdravstvenih studija

Flag unknown. [Under Construction] [University Department of Health Studies]
Adopted: 2011 ?

Split University Library

Sveučilišna knjižnica u Splitu

Flag unknown. [Under Construction] [Split University Library]
Adopted: ?
Description of arms/emblem: Znak Knjižnice je grb Sveučilišta. (Čl. 9, Statut, 2009.)
Description of flag: Knjižnica se služi zastavom Sveučilišta na dane državnih blagdana i u drugim javnim i svečanim prigodama. (Čl. 9, Statut, 2009.)
Source: Statut Sveučilišne knjižnice u Splitu, 10.11.2009, www.svkst.unist.hr, 20.05.2015.

The Library uses an emblem depicting book ridges.

The City Library (Gradska biblioteka) was established in Split in 1903, and in 1962 it became the Scientific Library (Naučna biblioteka). With the establishment of the University in 1974, it became one of its components and finally in 1992 it is given the current name.

Student Center

Studentski centar

Flag unknown. [Student Center]
Adopted: ?
Source: Studentski centar u Splitu, www.scst.unist.hr, 20.05.2015.

The centre uses emblem consisting of two circle segments, darker and lighter blue indented with three horizontal stripes forming stylized initials SC.

The Student Centre was established in 1960.

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Flags of the World

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