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Flags of the World

Page created: 25th October 1996
Last updated: 17th May 2016
[The FAME - Flag and Arms of the Modern Era]

The FAME is a site devoted to the systematic and scientific study of flags and coats of arms. Such symbols often bear strong political and other messages. Inclusion of those symbols here does not mean that the author supports or approves of the ideas they may stand for.
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Republic of Hungary, Magyarország, Magyar Köztársaság

National Flag

[National Flag] [Normal] [Vertical] 1:2 [State and War Flag] [National coat of arms]
In use: since 1848
Adopted: 25th June 1990

The flag is horizontal tricolour of red, white and green. It was first used as flag in 1848 revolution though these colours we already long established as the landesfarben of Hungary. It remained the national flag when Hungary became independent state after World War. In 1946 the communist coat of arms was set in the middle, and was cut out (literally) in 1956. Since 1st October 1957 it is again the national flag.
The coat of arms is used since middle ages, in the last century of Austria-Hungary as the lesser coat of arms of Hungarian crown-lands. Independent state retained it as lesser coat of arms, though it also used an other greater one. After World War II it was replaced by socialist style emblems in 1946 and 1957, until 1990, when it was readopted, now without the greater version.

Flag with coat of arms

[Flag with coat of arms] (1) [Alternation] [Proposal] [Reconstruction] 1:2 [State and War Flag]
[Flag with coat of arms] (2) [Alternation] [Proposal] [Reconstruction] 1:2 [State and War Flag]
[Flag with coat of arms] (3) [Alternation] [Proposal] [Reconstruction] 1:2 [State and War Flag]
Adopted: 25th June 1990
Sources: 1949. évi XX. törvény A Magyar Köztársaság Alkotmánya (Constitution of the Republic of Hungary)
1990. évi XL. törvény 50. §. (Amendments to the Constitution regarding the flag)
1990. évi XLIV. törvény 1. §. (Amendments to the Constitution regarding the coat of arms)
1995. évi LXXXIII. törvény a Magyar Köztársaság nemzeti jelképeinek és a Magyar Köztársaságra utaló elnevezésnek a használatáról (Law on national symbols) http://www.complex.hu/kzldat/t9500083.htm/t9500083.htm
1995. évi LXXXIII. törvény indokolása a Magyar Köztársaság nemzeti jelképeinek és a Magyar Köztársaságra utaló elnevezésnek a használatáról (Explaination of the Law on national symbols)
2000. évi XXXVIII. törvény a Magyar Köztársaság nemzeti jelképeinek és a Magyar Köztársaságra utaló elnevezésnek a használatáról szóló 1995. évi LXXXIII. törvény módosításáról (Amendments to 1995 Law) http://www.complex.hu/kzldat/t0000038.htm/t0000038.htm
132/2000. (VII.14.) Korm. rendelet a középületek fellobogózásának egyes kérdéseirõl (Government decree) http://www.konfoderaciok.hu/8/8.2/8.2.2/122-1006a.htm

The law of 1995 allows the national coat of arms to be set in the tricolour. However, the law does not specify how this is to be done - any variation is possible and many different are to be seen - with coat of arms set in different places on the flag (in the middle, offset to hoist, top of the shield matching the red-white edge or being lower then that etc.), it is made of different sizes (typically from height of 2/3 of the flag hoist to so small that could be set in the white stripe entirely), and with different rotation (parallel or rectangular with hoist). Sometimes the coat of arms is appliquéd only on one side of the flag. These flags are not infrequently ornamented with tricolour fringe along one or more edges. These flags may equally valid be used by civilians as well as by government under the same conditions and instead of the simple tricolour, so this is not particular state flag as some sources present it.
The regulation of 2000, however, determine sizes of the flags to be used on government buildings, that conform to ratio 1:2, still allowing all the abovementioned variations regarding the design.

Civil Flag and Ensign

[Civil Flag and Ensign] (1) [Alternation] [Proposal] [Reconstruction] 2:3~ [Civil Flag and Ensign and State Ensign]
[Civil Flag and Ensign] (2) [Alternation] [Proposal] [Reconstruction] 2:3~ [Civil Flag and Ensign and State Ensign]
[Civil Flag and Ensign]
[Civil Flag and Ensign] (4) [Alternation] [Proposal] [Reconstruction] 2:3~ [Civil Flag and Ensign and State Ensign]
[Civil Flag and Ensign] (5) [Alternation] [Proposal] [Reconstruction] 2:3~ [Civil Flag and Ensign and State Ensign]
[Civil Flag and Ensign] (6) [Alternation] [Proposal] [Reconstruction] 2:3~ [Civil Flag and Ensign and State Ensign]
Adopted: 25th June 1990

The regulations of 2000 are not obligatory to private, and they could use flags in any ratio and with the coat of arms set in various ways. As a matter of fact, most of the flags used in Hungary are in ratio 2:3 or similar. 1957 regulations require 2:3 ensigns to be used on ships, but at this point it is not clear if this regulation is still valid. In practice, 2:3 or 3:5 flags are usual in use, and most of vexillological sources give 2:3 as the ratio of the Hungarian tricolour.
Here are shown some of the most typical variants, each of them might also be seen with golden fringe, but also with tricolour fringe similar to the one prescribed for flags of military units (see below). The choice of fringe is entirely upon the user.

Naval Ensign

[Naval Ensign] (1) [Normal] 4:5 | 3:4 | 31:40 [War Ensign]
[Naval Ensign] (2) [Normal] 4:5 | 3:4 | 31:40 [War Ensign]
[Naval Ensign] (3) [Normal] 4:5 | 3:4 | 31:40 [War Ensign]
Adopted: 12th April 1996
Source: 3/1996. (IV.12.) HM rendelet a Magyar Honvédség jelképeirõl és jelzéseirõl (Defence Ministry Regulation on insignia and emblems of the Hungarian Army)

The regulations prescribe naval ensign to be hoisted on the vessels of the Hungarian Army (mainly on Danube river and Balaton lake). This is white flag with red and green flammulets along the edges, with green corner-pieces, and with the coat of arms within two branches, an oak and an olive one. The vertical axis of the coat of arms matches a vertical line dividing the flag length in ratio 1:2. For larger ships is prescribed flag of 80 × 100 cm (1), for smaller 60 × 80 cm (2) and for commanding speed boats 31 × 40 cm (3).

Senior Officer Afloat

[Senior Officer Afloat] [Normal] 3:4
Adopted: 12th April 1996
Source: 3/1996. (IV.12.) HM rendelet a Magyar Honvédség jelképeirõl és jelzéseirõl (Defence Ministry Regulation on insignia and emblems of the Hungarian Army)

The pennant designating the senior officer afloat is triangular pennant with wolf teeth (as these triangular ornaments frequent in Hungarian flags are called), 7 triangles along hoist and 11 along outer edges and with green corner pieces, and with the coat of arms (without branches) set in it. Prescribed size of an imaginary rectangle in which it is inscribed is 60 × 80 cm.

War Pennant

[War Pennant] [Normal] 21:200
Adopted: 12th April 1996
Source: 3/1996. (IV.12.) HM rendelet a Magyar Honvédség jelképeirõl és jelzéseirõl (Defence Ministry Regulation on insignia and emblems of the Hungarian Army)

The pennant on naval ships is long triangular tricolour, prescribed size 21 × 200 cm.

Minister of Defence

[Minister of Defence] [Normal] 3:4
Adopted: 12th April 1996
Source: 3/1996. (IV.12.) HM rendelet a Magyar Honvédség jelképeirõl és jelzéseirõl (Defence Ministry Regulation on insignia and emblems of the Hungarian Army)

The flag of the Defence Minister is the national tricolour in swallow-tailed form edged on all sides except at hoist with tricolour fringe. Size 60 × 80 cm.

Military Unit

[Military Unit] [Normal] 6:7
Adopted: 12th April 1996
Source: 3/1996. (IV.12.) HM rendelet a Magyar Honvédség jelképeirõl és jelzéseirõl (Defence Ministry Regulation on insignia and emblems of the Hungarian Army)

A flag that is granted to military units of level of brigade, regiment, detached battalion (group), to Military River Fleet and other units is white flag with flammulets and the coat of arms surrounded with oak and olive branches in the middle. The flag has tricolour fringe on three sides, and tassels at fly corners. Size of flag field 120 × 140 cm, fringe 5 cm, tassels 10 cm.

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Flags of the World

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