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Flags of the World

Page created: 30th June 1996
Last updated: 31st December 2019
[The FAME - Flag and Arms of the Modern Era]

The FAME is a site devoted to the systematic and scientific study of flags and coats of arms. Such symbols often bear strong political and other messages. Inclusion of those symbols here does not mean that the author supports or approves of the ideas they may stand for.

The Flags & Arms of the Modern Era

What was new in 2019?

See also:
On 31st December 2019 The FAME consisted of 284 HTML pages for each language it is available in (English and Croatian), on which were presented 2 787 items, illustrated with 5 024 images, and yet another 218 unilustrated and untreated items. The total size of the images was 44 022 859 bytes, while the total size of the whole archive was 63 470 162 bytes.
27th December 2019:3rd May 2019:
For the updates list from previous year see: History of FAME updates in 2018
On 1st January 2019 The FAME consisted of 282 HTML pages for each language it is available in (English and Croatian), on which were presented 2 691 items, illustrated with 4 871 images, and yet another 222 unilustrated and untreated items. The total size of the images was 42 893 895 bytes, while the total size of the whole archive was 61 720 183 bytes.
The FAME pages were officially opened on 3rd July 1996.

[FAME Home Page][Index of pages][Alphabetic index][Chronologic index][What's new?][About FAME][Links to other web pages][Mail me][Ova stranica dostupna je i na hrvatskom: Što je novo?]


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Flags of the World

The FAME. Copyright © 1996-2019 by Zeljko Heimer. All rights reserved.